Ute Scheffer

Diagnosis of sublethal stress in the marine sponge Geodia cydonium: application of the 70 kDa heat-shock protein and a novel biomarker, the Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor, as probes

Abstract Sponges (Porifera) are among the major phyla inhabiting the marine hard-substrate benthos, both in respect to the number of species and their biomass. Hence reliable biomarkers need to be developed to monitor the environmental load in those animals. Recently, the cDNA for the heat shock protein HSP70 has been isolated from the sponge Geodia cydonium and found to be a reliable indicator for temperature stress. In the present study, we have isolated the Rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor (GDI), which has previously been shown to be a key element in the intracellular traffic system. The 1521 bp long cDNA, encoding sponge GDI, has been isolated and analyzed. The deduced aa sequence ( M r =…

research product

Cloning of Sponge (Geodia cydonium) and Tunicate (Botryllus schlosseri) Proteasome Subunit Epsilon (PRCE): Implications about the Vertebrate MHC-Encoded Homologue LMP7 (PRCC)

Proteasomes are large protein complexes that play a major role in selective degradation of intracellular proteins. Eukaryotes feature seven different alpha and beta subunits. Two of the vertebrate housekeeping beta-subunits have MHC-encoded homologues that can substitute for the housekeeping counterparts upon interferon-gamma induction. In the present study we report the cloning of invertebrate beta-subunit proteasome epsilon (PRCE), from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium and from the colonial tunicate Botryllus schlosseri. Sequence comparisons revealed that the sponge and tunicate proteins are strikingly similar to vertebrate and yeast PRCEs and their MHC-linked counterparts the PRCCs (als…

research product

Impairment of intracellular antiviral defense with age: age-dependent changes in expression of interferon-induced and double-stranded RNA-activated 2-5A synthetase in rat.

The 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2-5A) system is involved in the defense of mammalian cells against virus infection. In a previous study [25], we demonstrated that the activities of the enzymes which synthesize and degrade 2-5A [2-5A synthetase (2-5OAS) and 2',3'-exoribonuclease] and of the enzyme that is activated by 2-5A (ribonuclease L) change during aging and development in different tissues of rat. The age-dependent decrease in 2-5OAS activity and increase in 2-5A nuclease activity results in a decrease in the cellular 2-5A content, suggesting that the efficiency of the antiviral 2-5A system is impaired in aged rats. Here we determined the age-dependent changes in the level of mRNA coding for…

research product

Interaction of prion protein mRNA with CBP35 and other cellular proteins: possible implications for prion replication and age-dependent changes.

Abstract A study of the intracellular distribution of prion protein (PrP) in N2a neuroblastoma cells which had been infected with prions (ScN2a cells) revealed that most PrP is present in the cytoplasm. However, a significant amount of PrP is also present in the nucleus (predominantly in the nucleoli) of these cells, as analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. By contrast, no PrP could be detected in the nucleus of uninfected N2a cells. The steady-state level of PrP mRNA did not markedly differ between the two cell strains. Likewise, no changes were found in the rate of transcription and in the half-life of PrP mRNA. A number of cellular proteins, among them the nuclear lectin CBP35,…

research product

Interaction of 68–kDa TAR RNA-binding protein and other cellular proteins with rpion protein-RNA stem-loop

The RNA stem-loop structure of the trans-activating region TAR sequence of human immunodeficiency virus-1 mRNA is the binding site for a number of host cell proteins. A virtually identical set of proteins from HeLa nuclear extracts was found to bind to the predicted RNA hairpin element of prion protein (PrP) mRNA, as demonstrated in UV cross-linking/RNase protection and Northwestern assays. We show that the cellular TAR loop-binding protein, p68, is among those proteins which associate with PrP RNA. Competition experiments with various TAR RNA mutants revealed that binding of partially purified p68 to PrP RNA stem-loop occurs sequence-specifically. The 100-kDa 2-5A synthetase which is invol…

research product

Polymorphism in the immunoglobulin-like domains of the receptor tyrosine kinase from the sponge Geodia cydonium.

Sponges [Porifera] are the phylogenetically oldest phylum of the Metazoa. They are provided with both cellular and humoral allorecognition systems. The underlying molecules are not yet known. To study allorecognition in sponges we first determined the frequency of graft rejection in a natural population of the marine sponge Geodia cydonium. We then determined, for the first time at the molecular level, the degree of sequence polymorphism in segments of one molecule which may be related to sponge allorecognition and host defense: the Ig-like domains from the receptor tyrosine kinase [RTK]. Thirty six pairs of auto- and allografts were assayed, either by parabiotic attachment or insertion of …

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