Michael Kleer
Supplementary Material 1 - Supplemental material for A Case for Raising the Camera: A Driving Simulator Test of Camera-Monitor Systems
Supplemental material, Supplementary Material 1, for A Case for Raising the Camera: A Driving Simulator Test of Camera-Monitor Systems by Christoph Bernhard, René Reinhard, Michael Kleer and Heiko Hecht in Human Factors: The Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
A Case for Raising the Camera: A Driving Simulator Test of Camera-Monitor Systems
Objective This experiment provides a first-of-its-kind driving-simulator study to investigate the feasibility of camera-monitor systems (CMS) with displaced side-mounted cameras in sedans. Background Among the increasing number of studies investigating the replacement of side-mounted rearview mirrors with CMS, the placement of side-mounted cameras has been largely neglected. Moreover, user preferences with respect to camera placement have not been validated in a driving simulator. Past research merely has shown that the vertical camera position can affect distance perception. Method In a driving simulator experiment, we investigated the effects of rearward camera placement on driver accepta…