Katrin Mägi
Cross-lagged relations between math-related interest, performance goals and skills in groups of children with different general abilities
Abstract This study examined the longitudinal relations among math-related interest, performance goals, and math skills in different ability groups. The participants were 790 Estonian children who were assessed at Grade 2 and Grade 3. The results of SEM analysis showed that previous math skills predicted positively math interest and negatively performance-avoidance goals at Grade 3. Also, Grade 2 performance-avoidance goals were negatively related to subsequent interest towards math. Comparing low-ability students with other students indicated that Grade 3 interest was positively predicted by previous skills, and negatively by performance-approach and -avoidance goals specifically in low-ab…
Performance‐approach goals, task‐avoidant behaviour and conceptual knowledge as predictors of first graders’ school performance
The present paper aims to examine the relationship between first grade children’s performance‐approach goal orientation, task‐avoidant behaviours, conceptual knowledge and their achievement in maths and literacy. The sample consisted of 174 first grade children and their class teachers. Children’s self reports of their performance‐approach goals and avoidant behaviours as well as teacher‐reports of children’s avoidant behaviours were used. Our results indicate that performance‐approach goal orientation positively predicts children’s self‐reported task‐avoidant behaviours which in turn have a negative effect on children’s achievement outcomes. The negative effect of teacher‐rated avoidant be…
The cross-lagged relations between children’s academic skill development, task-avoidance, and parental beliefs about success.
Abstract This longitudinal study investigated the cross-lagged associations between children’s academic skill development, task-avoidant behaviour in the context of homework, and parental beliefs about their child’s success from kindergarten to Grade 2. The participants were 1267 children. The children’s pre-skills were assessed at the end of the kindergarten year, and math and reading skills at the end of Grade 1 and Grade 2. Parents provided ratings of their beliefs about their children’s school success and task-avoidant behaviour with regard to homework at the end of Grades 1 and 2. The results showed that children’s math and reading skills predicted children’s task-avoidant behaviour re…
Relations Between Achievement Goal Orientations and Math Achievement in Primary Grades: A Follow‐Up Study
The aim of the present study was to investigate children’s achievement goal orientations and their relations to math achievement in the primary grades. The sample consisted of 179 children who were in the 2nd and 3rd grades during the first measurement and in the 3rd and 4th grades during the second measurement. Children’s self‐ratings were obtained on their goal orientations, their math performance was tested and their math grades were taken into account. Teacher ratings were obtained on each child’s effort in class. Children’s self‐reported performance‐avoidance goals were found to be related to their achievement outcomes. Math achievement seems to influence children’s achievement goal or…
School Psychologists’ Role in School
The aim of the present study was to investigate the expectations and evaluations of Estonian school principals on the work of school psychologists. Surveys have shown that teachers and school principals value traditional assessment activities but also desire more consultation. School psychologists emphasize the importance of system counselling, but in practice it can seldom be seen. One of the obstacles to the change of school psychologists’ roles might be the expectations of school principals. Therefore, school principals were questioned regarding these issues. One hundred and seven principals participated in the study. In addition, interviews were carried out with three school principals…
Developmental profiles of task-avoidant behaviour and reading skills in Grades 1 and 2
Abstract A latent profile analysis approach was used to examine the developmental profiles of task-avoidant behaviour and reading skills in Grades 1 and 2, as well as their antecedents in kindergarten. The participants in this study were 448 children. Four different developmental profiles of task-avoidant behaviour and reading skills were identified. Our results showed that task-avoidant behaviour and reading problems do not coincide for all children. Parents' educational level differentiated between the profile groups. Comparisons of kindergarten skills between the groups showed that social competence skills in kindergarten helped to differentiate between the profile groups with varying le…