Christian Rupp

Genetic association analysis identifies variants associated with disease progression in primary sclerosing cholangitis

ObjectivePrimary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a genetically complex, inflammatory bile duct disease of largely unknown aetiology often leading to liver transplantation or death. Little is known about the genetic contribution to the severity and progression of PSC. The aim of this study is to identify genetic variants associated with PSC disease progression and development of complications.DesignWe collected standardised PSC subphenotypes in a large cohort of 3402 patients with PSC. After quality control, we combined 130 422 single nucleotide polymorphisms of all patients—obtained using the Illumina immunochip—with their disease subphenotypes. Using logistic regression and Cox proportiona…

research product

Cytoplasmic localization of the cell polarity factor scribble supports liver tumor formation and tumor cell invasiveness

The loss of epithelial cell polarity plays an important role in the development and progression of liver cancer. However, the specific molecular mechanisms supporting tumor initiation and progression are poorly understood. In this study, transcriptome data and immunofluorescence stains of tissue samples derived from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients revealed that overexpression associated with cytoplasmic localization of the baso-lateral cell polarity complex protein Scribble (Scrib) correlated with poor prognosis of HCC patients. In comparison to HCC cells stably expressing wildtype Scrib (ScribWT), mutated Scrib with enforced cytoplasmic enrichment (ScribP305L) induced AKT signaling…

research product

Nuclear Translocation of RELB Is Increased in Diseased Human Liver and Promotes Ductular Reaction and Biliary Fibrosis in Mice.

Background & Aims Cholangiocyte proliferation and ductular reaction contribute to the onset and progression of liver diseases. Little is known about the role of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in this process. We investigated the activities of the RELB proto-oncogene NF-κB subunit in human cholangiocytes and in mouse models of liver disease characterized by a ductular reaction. Methods We obtained liver tissue samples from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cholangitis, hepatitis B or C virus infection, autoimmune hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, or without these diseases (controls) from a tissue bank in Germany. Tissues were analyzed by immu…

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Extrahepatische Malignome nach Lebertransplantation wegen Primär Sklerosierender Cholangitis – eine multizentrische Langzeit-Beobachtungsstudie

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Diagnostik und Management des Rezidivs der Primär Sklerosierenden Cholangitis nach Lebertransplantation – eine multizentrische Langzeit-Beobachtungsstudie der deutschen PSC-Studiengruppe

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Refining prediction of survival after TIPS with the novel Freiburg index of post-TIPS survival.

Background & Aims Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) implantation is an effective and safe treatment for complications of portal hypertension. Survival prediction is important in these patients as they constitute a high-risk population. Therefore, the aim of our study was to develop an alternative prognostic model for accurate survival prediction after planned TIPS implantation. Methods A total of 1,871 patients with de novo TIPS implantation for ascites or secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding were recruited retrospectively. The study cohort was divided into a training set (80% of study patients; n = 1,496) and a validation set (20% of study patients; n = 375). Furth…

research product

Erarbeitung eines PBC-Therapiepfads für eine integrierte Versorgung in Deutschland

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