Michele Lauria
Three single loops enhance the biomechanical behavior of the transtibial pull-out technique for posterior meniscal root repair
Purpose: To investigate the effect of applying an additional suture to enhance the biomechanical behavior of the suture–meniscus construct used during the transtibial pull- out repair technique. Methods: A total of 20 fresh-frozen porcine tibiae with intact medial menisci were used. In one half of all speci- mens (N = 10), two non-absorbable sutures were passed directly over the meniscal root from the tibia side of the meniscus to the femoral side (2SS). In other ten specimens, three sutures were passed over the meniscal root (3SS). All specimens were subjected to cyclic loading followed by load-to-failure testing. Displacement of the construct was recorded at 100, 500, and 1000 cycles. Fur…
Le fratture dello scafoide carpale
Sono descritte le generalità e le metodiche di diagnosi e trattamento delle fratture dello scafoide carpale
Surgical time for graft preparation using different suture techniques
Background: The purpose of the present study was to compare the operative time for graft prepa- ration using different techniques for graft sutur- ing. Material and methods: Flexor profundus tendons were harvested from fresh pig hind-leg trotters. Three different suture techniques were investigat- ed: the Krackow stitch (K), the Whipstitch (W), and the Modified Finger-Trap suture (MFT). Ten- dons were sutured starting at 10 mm from the dis- tal free end of the tendon. The suture configura- tions of the Krackow stitch and Whipstitch were completed with five suture throws. According to the MFT technique, the suture was wrapped five times around the tendon over a distance of 30 mm. The time re…
How to avoid collision between PCL and MCL femoral tunnels during a simultaneous reconstruction.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study was to assess the risk of femoral tunnel collisions between the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tunnels during a simultaneous PCL and MCL reconstruction. METHODS: Fourth generation medium and large synthetic femur bones were used. On each femur, a MCL tunnel and a PCL tunnel were reamed. The MCL tunnel was drilled at 0°, 20° and 40° of axial and coronal angulations. The PCL femoral tunnel was reamed to simulate two different tunnel directions that could be obtained through an inside-out and outside-in technique. Tunnels were filled with epoxy resin augmented with BaSO4, and a multidetector CT examination of…