Imke Schmitt
What is in a lichen? A metagenomic approach to reconstruct the holo-genome of Umbilicaria pustulata
AbstractLichens are valuable models in symbiosis research and promising sources of biosynthetic genes for biotechnological applications. Most lichenized fungi grow slowly, resist aposymbiotic cultivation, and are generally poor candidates for experimentation. Obtaining contiguous, high quality genomes for such symbiotic communities is technically challenging. Here we present the first assembly of a lichen holo-genome from metagenomic whole genome shotgun data comprising both PacBio long reads and Illumina short reads. The nuclear genomes of the two primary components of the lichen symbiosis – the fungus Umbilicaria pustulata (33 Mbp) and the green alga Trebouxia sp. (53 Mbp) – were assemble…
Evolutionary genomics can improve prediction of species' responses to climate change
Abstract Global climate change (GCC) increasingly threatens biodiversity through the loss of species, and the transformation of entire ecosystems. Many species are challenged by the pace of GCC because they might not be able to respond fast enough to changing biotic and abiotic conditions. Species can respond either by shifting their range, or by persisting in their local habitat. If populations persist, they can tolerate climatic changes through phenotypic plasticity, or genetically adapt to changing conditions depending on their genetic variability and census population size to allow for de novo mutations. Otherwise, populations will experience demographic collapses and species may go ext…
Phylogenetic generic classification of parmelioid lichens (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) based on molecular, morphological and chemical evidence
WOS: 000285566000008