Reina R
Studio dei rapporti di parentela tra individui della razza ovina Valle del Belice, mediante l’utilizzo di marcatori microsatelliti
Rotazione del personale nelle amministrazioni pubbliche e politiche contrasto alla corruzione: la prospettiva dell’ANAC
In the last decade, the Italian State has included staff rotation within the framework of anti-corruption policies, providing precise indications on how to implement it and verifying its practical achievements in the national public administration system. The purpose of this article is to provide a framework of the theories and practices of staff rotation from the point of view of the law and the main acts of the National anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC). The article therefore develops as follows. A first part is dedicated to the presentation of the different types of staff rotation. A second part deals with the principles guiding the reorganization actions by rotation of public administrat…