Loredana Picciotto
Sistemi di pianificazione e controllo e dinamiche di apprendimento in una prospettiva di sviluppo integrale delle aziende
Nel contesto odierno è ormai indiscussa la centralità delle risorse immateriali nei processi di creazione del valore delle aziende e nelle relative dinamiche di sviluppo, assumendo una sempre maggiore rilevanza gli aspetti inerenti le conoscenze e le competenze delle persone, ovvero le capacità di innovare ed anticipare i cambiamenti. Il presente lavoro analizza questa tematica con specifico riferimento al ruolo dei sistemi di pianificazione e controllo, approfondendo il modo in cui questi possano innescare ed alimentare nel tempo i processi di apprendimento individuale ed organizzativo. Facendo luce su tali meccanismi è possibile, poi, utilmente guidare lo sviluppo di una strumentazione id…
Determinants and consequences of the Anti-mafia entrepreneurial behavior: an empirical study on southern italian small-medium entreprises
In this study we question what determinants lead firms to adopt anti-mafia behaviors and whether firms adopting anti-mafia behaviors “pay the piper” for their conduct through reduced financial performance. A sub-sample of 111 Southern Italian Small and Medium Enterprises whose entrepreneurs have publicly opposed the mafia extortion was initially selected. By adopting a matched-pair design, anti-mafia firms were subsequently matched against a sub-sample of neutral firms. Determinants of anti-mafia behavior were investigated by using a regression logistic model in order to regress the anti-mafia choice on a set of financial, demographic, governance, and control variables. Performance and fina…
Il governo strategico dei gruppi aziendali. L'attività di pianificazione, programmazione e controllo.
The promotion of tourism in Italian regions from a sensorial perspective: a website content analysis
Recent tourism literature has identified the sensory dimension as key to understanding, planning and marketing tourist experiences. This paper aims to understand to what extent Italian regions consider the sensorial perspective in tourist communication, focusing the analysis on their institutional websites. We used the content analysis method considering two different periods to investigate the evolution of Italian tourism promotion. The results show that for all institutional websites, over time, attention engages only some of the five sensorial dimensions. That is, the communication does not appear balanced. Furthermore, the promotional communication in several regions is more oriented to…
La «responsabilità personale» dei collaboratori per il bene dell’azienda ed il ruolo critico della leadership
The effects of the anti-mafia entrepreneurial behavior on firm performance: an empirical study on southern Italian small-medium enterprises
The organized crime is a relevant ethical, cultural, legal, sociologic and economic issue in many countries. In the last years there have been some positive signs of a reaction against the mafia like the successful experience of Addiopizzo, an anti-bribery association founded in Palermo in 2004 that today counts over 500 affiliated firms. Gambetta (1993) suggests the mafia could better be understood as a profit maximizing corporation in the marketplace for private protection. Despite this position has been criticized (Scalia, 2010), it highlights the crucial role of the pizzo for the mafia activities. In this study, we identify as “Anti-mafia Entrepreneurial Behaviour” (AEB) the choice of t…
Le Fusioni
Le strategie di legittimazione in contesti complessi: il caso delle aziende operanti su terreni confiscati alla criminalità organizzata
La cooperazione inter-aziendale nel settore della ricettività turistica: il caso "VeneziaSì"
I gruppi aziendali come fattispecie di aggregazione
Turismo responsabile e valorizzazione dei beni confiscati alla mafia: opportunità di sviluppo umano e territoriale. Il caso di Libera Terra Mediterraneo
The promotion of a tourist destination through the definition of the "concept" in a sensorial perspective
According to Anholt, the brand of a tourist destination expresses and sustains its identity; it should depict the main characteristics of the territory and its contents and for this reason it should represent the synthesis, the result rather than the starting point of its promotion. At the operational level there is a widespread tendency of the policy makers to develop the brand strategy of a destination by launching advertising campaigns that enlighten the territorial attractors, aiming to stress the tourist appeal of some geographical areas. In this case the main strategic efforts are usually oriented to develop and support a “comparative" advantage rather than a “competitive” one. An inn…
Exploring the determinants of anti-mafia entrepreneurial behaviour: an empirical study on southern Italian SMEs
This study analyses organized crime from an economic perspective and highlights the crucial role of extortion in mafia activities. From an economic viewpoint, we debate the conditions that lead companies to resist mafia extortion. To study the reactions of firms to extortion, we adopt an institutional perspective and consider the contribution of different theories in the socially responsible behaviour and organized crime literature, in an attempt to understand this complex entrepreneurial behaviour better. A sample of 116 southern Italian SMEs, whose entrepreneurs have publicly opposed mafia extortion, was selected. By adopting a matched-pair design, anti-mafia firms were subsequently match…
The social innovation of social cooperatives operating on confiscated mafia properties: support factors and critical issues.
In recent years, the theme of Social Innovation (SI) has gained significant importance both in academic studies and in policy. In the many definitions of SI proposed by scholars the aspect of change seems to be central. Making social innovation means to find and to provide new solutions to the social needs of individuals and communities; to develop and to introduce changes in the relationships between individuals and institutions; and again, to redefine the priorities of the economic and social development. In this paper we focus on a particular form of SI realized by social cooperatives operating in Italy on assets confiscated from the mafia. Thanks to a law of popular initiative these goo…
Per una definizione di turismo responsabile bilanciata tra motivazioni di viaggio e aspettative della comunità locale: l'analisi dell'intermediazione offerta da taluni operatori siciliani
Recently in the tourism sector there is the tendency of some practitioners and local actors, sensitive to issues of social responsibility, environmental sustainability, economic equity and solidarity, to organize forms of tourism for travellers equally sensitive to the impact of their presence on the territory of destination. This phenomenon is often called «responsible tourism», emphasizing the “responsibility” that characterizes the action of all actors involved in the journey. This paper aims to study the setting process of the business offer and the underlying strategy of specific forms of responsible tourism. Employing the multiple case studies method, it analyses three different assoc…
The promotion of a tourist destination by its sensorial perspective definition
In the last years there has been a special attention towards sensory marketing and experiential economy (Hulten, Broweus & Dijk, 2009). Some related contributions (Kim, Ritchie & Tung, 2010; Volo, 2010) in tourism have payed attention to a possible service customization in terms of sensorial stimuli that can be effective for the customers (Scott, Laws & Boksberger, 2010). The literature has recently emphasized the importance of the senses through which to perceive and know an area for a more complete tourist experience (Cherifi, 2015; Liu, Wang, Liu & Deng, 2005). Considering that the brand of a tourist destination expresses its identity and it should represent the synthesis of its promotio…