L Minelli

Neogene to Quaternary evolution of the Calabrian Subduction System, (Central Mediterranean)

We construct an ESE striking to WNW geological cross-section across the Calabrian Subduction System (Central Mediterranean) using seismic near vertical profiles and field data. The interpreted profiles were time-to-depth converted, merged and translated in a geological section stretching from the Marsili Oceanic Basin (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) to the Ionian accretionary complex . Moving toward the east, the resulting section through the Paola, Amantea, and Crati basins, the Coastal Chain and Sila Massif and Crotone basin. The maximum elongation of these basins change progressively moving toward the east: from NNW in the Paola to NS in the Crati to the NNE in the Crotone basins. Data we pres…

research product

Italian multicentricepidemiological case control strudy on risk factors for childhood leukemia,non hodgkin limphoma and neuroblastoma:study population and prevalence of risk factors in Italy

Background Aetiology of childhood leukaemia and childhood neoplasm is poorly understood. Information on the prevalence of risk factors in the childhood population is limited. SETIL is a population based case/control study on childhood leukaemia, conducted with two companion studies on non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) and neuroblastoma. The study relies on questionnaire interviews and 50 Hz magnetic field (ELF-MF) indoor measurements. This paper discusses the SETIL study design and includes descriptive information. Methods The study was carried out in 14 Italian regions (78.3% of Italian population aged 0?10). It included leukaemia, NHL and neuroblastoma cases incident in 0?10 year olds in 1998-20…

research product