Lo Piccolo A

Motivazione e Burnout

Working activities are subjected to different relationship and motivational dynamics which may cause stress and behavioural disorders. Burnout syndrome was indicated as strictly related to motivation and satisfaction in socio sanitary activities.

research product

Un'indagine sulla pratica scolastica relativa all'educazione alla salute in un campione di insegnanti della provincia di Palermo

Planning promotional interventions in health education appears inadeguate, in spite of the great number of legislative and theoric statements. Few Schools, in fact, are capable of realizing activities in health education, either for lack of human and material resources in the school, as well as for difficulties in links and communication with the territory. In front of scholastic presences well developed and competent in health education, coesist an elevated number of schools which consider healt education as an additional work for teachers, giving as acquaired in the family or in other specific courses the relative notions.

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Abitudini alimentari in età evolutiva: indagine nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado in provincia di Palermo

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Abitudini alimentari in età evolutiva: indagine nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado in provincia di Palermo”, XVII Congresso Interregionale Siculo-Calabro, Siracusa, 24-26 giugno 2005;

research product

La sorveglianza nutrizionale: una strategia di prevenzione dell’obesità in età evolutiva

research product

Il cibo come farmaco: probiotici, prebiotici, simbiotici

Enteric microflora represent a protective barrier against infectious viruses, bacteria and toxins. Nutritional supplements constituted of live germs, producing and maintaining a condition of enteric eubioses may offer therapeutic possibilities against different pathologies.

research product

Valutazione psicopedagogica e riabilitazione educativa negli ospedali pediatrici

The hospital recovery has a fandamental role concerning the diagnosis and the following treatment. The hospitalised child is subjected to a psychological trauma, linked to different factors, such as age, pathology, social and family context where he lives. He feels happy if the structure pays attention not only at his disease but also if it can satisfy all his needs.

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Alcol e giovani. Indagine sull’uso di alcol in un campione di studenti di Scuola Media Superiore.

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