Laura Quintanilla

Longitudinal evidence for an emotion-action lag on desire: The role of emotional understanding

Abstract Many previous studies have found that children understand much earlier what a character who has a false belief will do than what a character will feel. This gap between the understanding of action and emotion is known as the belief-emotion lag and to this day there is no convincing explanation as to why it happens. There are also no studies that have explored whether this same gap occurs in the understanding of desire. This longitudinal study had a twofold objective: to explore the existence of a lag between the prediction of action and emotion based on desire, and to search for the role that specific emotions could have in children’s answers. To this end, we administered the Test …

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The Role of Language in the Relationship between Emotion Comprehension and Theory of Mind in Preschool Children

For several decades, there has been an interest in understanding how Emotion Comprehension (EC) and Theory of Mind (ToM) are related during the preschool years. In addition, the links between language and ToM (Astington & Baird, 2005; Schick, de Villiers, de Villiers, & Hoffmeister, 2007) and language and EC (Cutting & Dunn, 1999; Hughes, White, & Ensor, 2014; Pons, Lawson, Harris, & de Rosnay, 2003) have been studied. Numerous studies have highlighted the important role played of language in ToM (Astington & Jenkins, 1999). For some authors, the specific properties of language are necessary for the development of ToM, and not only those related to age and neurological maturity (de Villiers…

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La Comprensión Asíncrona de las Emociones Básicas: un Estudio Longitudinal con Niños de 3 a 5 Años

El presente estudio tiene como finalidad explorar la trayectoria evolutiva de la comprensión de cuatro emociones en niños de tres a cinco años. Sabemos que los niños identifican las expresiones faciales y después entienden la causa de las emociones, pero ¿las emociones se comprenden a la vez, en el mismo momento evolutivo? Para llevar a cabo este estudio se evaluó de forma longitudinal a un grupo de 103 niños y niñas entre los 3 y los 5 años. A través del Test de Comprensión Emocional se midieron los componentes de identificación de la expresión emocional y el conocimiento de la causa de cuatro emociones –tristeza, alegría, enfado y miedo– a lo largo de los tres años. Los resultados confirm…

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Supplemental Material, JBD866907_supplementary_figure_2 - The longitudinal interplay of emotion understanding, theory of mind, and language in the preschool years

Supplemental Material, JBD866907_supplementary_figure_2 for The longitudinal interplay of emotion understanding, theory of mind, and language in the preschool years by Renata Sarmento-Henrique, Laura Quintanilla, Beatriz Lucas-Molina, Patricia Recio and Marta Giménez-Dasí in International Journal of Behavioral Development

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Supplemental Material, JBD866907_supplementary_figure_1 - The longitudinal interplay of emotion understanding, theory of mind, and language in the preschool years

Supplemental Material, JBD866907_supplementary_figure_1 for The longitudinal interplay of emotion understanding, theory of mind, and language in the preschool years by Renata Sarmento-Henrique, Laura Quintanilla, Beatriz Lucas-Molina, Patricia Recio and Marta Giménez-Dasí in International Journal of Behavioral Development

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The longitudinal interplay of emotion understanding, theory of mind, and language in the preschool years

Emotion comprehension (EC), theory of mind (ToM), and language are particularly important aspects of child development. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in understanding how these three variables are related to preschool children. However, results have been contradictory, and it is not clear how EC, ToM, and language are associated. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships among EC, ToM, and language through a longitudinal study. Participants were 105 children (49 girls and 56 boys). EC, ToM, and language skills were assessed when children were 3, 4, and 5 years old. The cross-lagged model confirmed that EC preceded ToM in time. The half-longitudinal model …

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Dialogando sobre emociones con niños en riesgo de exclusión social: un estudio preliminar

ResumenEste trabajo tiene como objetivo principal probar de forma preliminar el funcionamiento de un programa de intervención para mejorar las competencias emocionales en niños de entre 9 y 10 años en situación de riesgo de exclusión social. El programa se centra en la mejora de algunos componentes del conocimiento y la regulación emocional. Para ello, se utilizó un diseño pre-experimental de un solo grupo con pretest y postest (N=14). Los niños asistieron a las sesiones una vez por semana durante cuatro meses. Los resultados mostraron una mejora estadísticamente significativa en manejo de emociones, adaptabilidad e inestabilidad emocional, además de una utilización más efectiva de estrateg…

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Psicología educativa : revista de los psicólogos de la educación

Resumen basado en el de la publicación Título, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglés Resumen extendido, método, resultados y discusión en inglés Existe un gran consenso sobre la necesidad de utilizar la evaluación multi-informante, especialmente cuando tratamos con población infantil. Se pretende indagar sobre la coincidencia de padres y profesores a la hora de valorar la capacidad de autorregulación emocional de los niños y examinar la estabilidad de dicha valoración a lo largo del tiempo. Para ello, se evalúa la autorregulación emocional a través de padres y profesores en un grupo de 108 niños de 3 años al que hemos se ha seguido durente tres cursos escolares. Se utilizó el cuestio…

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The Spanish Version of the Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue): Evidence for Longitudinal Measurement Invariance and Relationship With Emotional Regulation

Research Findings: Empathy, or the ability to understand what others are thinking or feeling, can be observed in early developmental stages. The purpose of this study was to validate the Spanish ve...

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The Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Emotion Knowledge in Preschoolers: A Longitudinal Study

Numerous studies have shown the important role of both emotion regulation (ER) and emotion knowledge (EK) in child development. Despite the number of studies carried out on both variables, there is practically no research on the developmental relationship between these two constructs. We present a longitudinal study to explore the relationship between EK and ER in preschoolers in which we measured these variables over 3 academic years in a cohort of 108 preschool children using the Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC) and the Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC). The ERC is divided into 2 subscales: Emotional Regulation (ER) and Lability/Negativity (L/N). Two cross-lagged models were construct…

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Toddlers’ understanding of basic emotions: identification, labeling and causality / La comprensión temprana de las emociones básicas: identificación, etiquetado y causalidad

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to explore the early acquisition pattern of the understanding of basic emotions. Many studies indicate that three-year-old children identify emotions such as joy or sadness, but it is not known how this knowledge arises. Fifty-seven boys and girls between 21 and 32 months were assessed using the Brunet-Lezine-R developmental scale (BL-R) (Josse, 1997) and the Affective knowledge Test (AKT) (Denham, 1986). Through this test we evaluated the children’s knowledge of four basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger and fear) in three of its components (identification, causality and linguistic labeling). In order to track knowledge acquisition longitudinally, a sma…

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Thinking emotionswith two-year-old children: an educational programme to improve emotional knowledge in young preschoolers / Pensando las emociones con niños de dos años: un programa educativo para mejorar el conocimiento emocional en primer ciclo de Educación Infantil

AbstractThis article aims to present preliminary data to validate and show the effectiveness of the educational programme Thinking emotions with a sample of children aged two years. To test its effectiveness, a sample of 57 children was selected. The sample was divided into experimental group (N = 38) and control group (N = 19). Participants were evaluated for overall development (Brunet-Lezine) and emotional understanding through two tests (AKT and TEC) before and after the implementation of the programme in the classroom. The tutors implemented the programme during school hours in weekly 45-minute sessions over six months. The results show significant advances in emotion understanding of …

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Six Weeks of Confinement: Psychological Effects on a Sample of Children in Early Childhood and Primary Education

Spain has been one of the countries most affected by the health crisis derived from COVID-19. Within this country, the city of Madrid has registered the highest number of infections and deaths. This circumstance led to the adoption of strict confinement measures for a period of 6 weeks. The objective of the present study was to investigate the psychological effects that this confinement has had on the psychological well-being of a sample of children from Madrid. A total of 167 families with children aged between 3 and 11 years participated in this study. The parents evaluated the children through the System of Evaluation of Children and Adolescents (SENA) scale in the month of February and …

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Talking about emotions with children at risk of social exclusion: a preliminary study

Resumen Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal probar de forma preliminar el funcionamiento de un programa de intervención para mejorar las competencias emocionales en niños de entre 9 y 10 años en situación de riesgo de exclusión social. El programa se centra en la mejora de algunos componentes del conocimiento y la regulación emocional. Para ello, se utilizó un diseño pre-experimental de un solo grupo con pretest y postest (N = 14). Los niños asistieron a las sesiones una vez por semana durante cuatro meses. Los resultados mostraron una mejora estadísticamente significativa en manejo de emociones, adaptabilidad e inestabilidad emocional, además de una utilización más efectiva de estra…

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