S. Brucculeri
Iponatriemia ed esercizio fisico
L’iponatriemia associata ad esercizio fisico (EAH) è una evenienza degli sport di resistenza che può esitare in gravi manifestazioni cliniche quali l’edema cerebrale o l’insufficienza respiratoria. L’EAH è una iponatriemia diluizionale, variante della secrezione inappropriata di ADH (SIADH), caratterizzata da una concentrazione plasmatica di sodio inferiore a 135 mEq/l. Il sesso femminile e la durata delle competizioni si associano a più elevato rischio di iponatremia. L’incidenza di iponatriemia, infatti, aumenta con la durata dell’attività in special modo dopo 4-8 ore dall’inizio della gara. Le donne sembrano presentare un rischio maggiore rispetto agli uomini. I meccanismi fisiopatologic…
Marked elevation of transaminases and pancreatic enzymes in severe malnourished male with eating disorder
We report a case of a 45 year old Caucasian malnourished male with an history of eating disorder who developed severe liver and pancreatic damage and multiorgan disfunction. At admission to our department, his body mass index (BMI) was 11.1. Biochemical evaluation showed elevated serum levels of transaminases (AST= 2291 U/L, ALT= 1792 U/L), amylase (3620 U/L), lipase (4102 U/L), CPK= 1370 U/L, LDH= 2082 U/L. No other cause of acute liver and pancreatic damage was evidenced. Haematological disorders (anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia) found on admission seem related to bone marrow hypoplasia and to gelatinous marrow transformation described in severe state of malnutrition. Although a mode…
Leukocyte subtypes, gelatinases, and their tissue inhibitors in a group of subjects with asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis
In a cohort of subjects with asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis (ACA), we have evaluated the neutrophil and lymphocyte count and their ratio (NLR), the gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2). At baseline, no difference was observed between ACA subjects and subject control group regarding neutrophil and lymphocyte count while was evident in ACA subjects a significant increase in MMP-2, MMP-9 and TIMP-2 associated to a significant decrease in TIMP-1. Dividing the ACA according to the number of cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs) we have observed an increase in lymphocyte count in the subgroup with 3–5 CRFs. Evaluating the leukocyte subtypes according to…