Alba Vilaplana-pérez

Educational Impairment in Social Anxiety Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Tant la Fòbia social (FS) com el Trastorn d’estrès posttraumàtic (TEPT) s’han associat al baix rendiment acadèmic, però els estudis previs presentaven importants limitacions metodològiques. Per a realitzar recerca epidemiològica, és útil utilitzar els registres administratius i de salut poblacionals, com els disponibles a Suècia. Per tal de desenvolupar estudis amb garanties, és important que els codis diagnòstics que contenen aquests registres siguen vàlids i fiables. Aquesta tesi per compendi d’articles té com a primer objectiu validar el codi diagnòstic de l’FS (el codi diagnòstic del TEPT ja ha sigut prèviament validat) per a després explorar, per mitjà dels registres poblacionals suecs…

research product

Association of Cesarean Delivery With Risk of Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders in the Offspring: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

This systematic review and meta-analysis examines the association between birth by cesarean delivery and risk of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in the offspring compared with birth by vaginal delivery.

research product

Much more than just shyness: the impact of social anxiety disorder on educational performance across the lifespan

AbstractBackgroundSocial anxiety disorder (SAD) has been linked to academic underachievement, but previous studies had methodological limitations. We investigated the association between SAD and objective indicators of educational performance, controlling for a number of covariates and unmeasured confounders shared between siblings.MethodsThis population-based birth cohort study included 2 238 837 individuals born in Sweden between 1973 and 1997, followed-up until 2013. Within the cohort, 15 755 individuals had a recorded ICD-10 diagnosis of SAD in the Swedish National Patient Register. Logistic regression models tested the association between SAD and educational performance. We also identi…

research product

Insomnia in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A Swedish population-based cohort study.

Abstract Background The association between specific psychiatric disorders and insomnia is well established, but the prevalence of insomnia in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is unknown. This population-based study examined the prevalence of insomnia in patients with OCD compared to unaffected individuals from the general population and to their unaffected full siblings, and evaluated the contribution of psychiatric comorbidities to this association. Methods Individuals diagnosed with OCD (31,856) were identified from a cohort of 13,017,902 individuals living in Sweden anytime during 1973 and 2013. Logistic regression analyses were used to investigate the odds of insomnia in individuals…

research product