S Wellek
Elements of Significance Testing with Equivalence Problems
AbstractThe paper outlines an approach to the general methodological problem of equivalence assessment which is based on the classical theory of testing statistical hypotheses. Within this frame of reference it is natural to search for decision rules satisfying the same criteria of optimality which are customarily applied in deriving solutions to one- and two-sided testing problems. For three standard situations very frequently encountered in medical applications of statistics, a concise account of such an optimal test for equivalence is presented. It is pointed out that tests based on the well-known principle of confidence interval inclusion are valid in the sense 1 of guaranteeing the pre…
Reference Standards for Software Evaluation
AbstractThe field of automated ECG analysis was one of the earliest topics in Medical Informatics and may be regarded as a model both for computer-assisted medical diagnosis and for evaluating medical diagnostic programs. The CSE project has set reference standards of two kinds: In a broad sense, a standard how to perform a comprehensive evaluation study, in a narrow sense, standards as specific references for evaluating computer ECG programs. The evaluation methodology used within the CSE project is described as a basis for presentation of results which are published elsewhere in this issue.