The influence of nimodipine on chromatolysis of motoneurons following axotomy with and without reinnervation: A quantitative image analysis
Using a recently developed image analysis method to quantify the time course of chromatolysis in injured motorneurons we tested the effect of the calcium entry blocker nimodipine (1000 ppm in food pellets) on regenerating and degenerating motoneurons. Following facial-facial, hypoglossal-hypoglossal anastomosis with complete regeneration and following facial and hypoglossal nerve resection which causes a partial neuronal degeneration and postoperative survival times of 4 to 112 days, the texture of the Nissl substance of facial and hypoglossal motoneurons was analyzed on both sides of the brainstem in paraffin serial sections with a VIDASplus image analyzer. Monitoring alterations of the Ni…