Photoemission from Pt(111)-(hex)-Rb and Pt(111)-(4×1)-RbO using polarised synchrotron radiation
Abstract In various experiments it has been demonstrated that the circular dichroism in the angular distribution of photoelectrons (CDAD) is not only observed from oriented initial states (aligned adsorbed molecules or magnetised samples), but also arises as a consequence of the scattering of photoelectrons from the surrounding atoms in a solid or an adsorbate. In this work we will show first measurements performed at the SGM beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS) on a (4×1) superstructure of 1 ML RbO adsorbed on Pt(111). Measurements from the 4s core levels of Rb adsorbed at Pt(111) were also performed at the PM-III beamline at BESSY. The measured variations of the inten…