R. Komu

Particle octupole multiplet in147Gd

Levels of the N=83 nucleus147Gd have been investigated by in-beam γ-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy using the147Sm(3He,3n) and Sm(α,n) reactions. We have observed 16 new low-and medium-spin levels in147Gd. In addition to the previously known 13/2+ level we have located the 11/2+,9/2+, 7/2+, 3/2+ and (1/2)+ members of the vf7/2×3 septuplet.

research product

Decay of 14.6 h90Nb

The disintegration of 14.6 h90Nb produced by bombarding natural Zr with 13 MeV protons was investigated by methods of γ-ray spectrometry. Results from singles, coincidence and anti-Compton spectrometer measurements are reported. A decay scheme is proposed including excited states in90Zr at 1761, 2186.4, 2319.1, 2739.4, 2747.9, 3077.0, 3448.2, 3589.5, 3977.1, 4232.4, 4319.5, 4375.4, 4541.6, 5060.0, 5164.6 and 5432.9 keV. Over 10 γ-ray transitions and several levels proposed in an earlier investigation are shown to be in error.

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Properties of isomeric states and the ?d 3/2-vi 13/2 multiplet in194Au

The level structure of194Au has been studied by observing prompt and delayedγ-rays following194Pt(p,n) and195Pt(p,2n) reactions. The conversion electron andγ-ray spectra from the decay of the 0.42s (10−) and 0.60s (5+) isomers at 476 keV and 107.4 keV, respectively, have been measured using the He-jet method. The half-lives of the 6+ (278.2 keV, 1.1±0.4 ns), 7+ (224.6 keV, 2.6±0.2 ns) and 8+ (406.8 keV, 2.9±0.4 ns) members of theπd3/2-vi13/2 multiplet have been obtained from the time distributions between cyclotron beam pulses andγ-rays depopulating these levels. A calculation made assuming a pure two-particle configuration for the multiplet predicts very well theB(E2) values for the transi…

research product

Medium-spin levels in the N=83 nucleus147Gd

Levels of theN=83 nucleus147Gd have been investigated by methods of in-beamγ-ray and conversion electron spectroscopy using the147Sm(3He, 3n) and144Sm(α, n) reactions. Sixteen new low- and medium-spin levels have been observed in147Gd. We have located six members of thevf7/2×3− particle-octupole septuplet and several neutron single-particle states in147Gd. The levels of147Gd are discussed on the basis of the spherical shell model.

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