Ajay Jasra
Robust Finite-Time Control of Switched Linear Systems and Application to a Class of Servomechanism Systems
This paper investigates finite-time (FT) stability and stabilization problems for a class of switched linear systems with polytopic uncertainties. Both stable and unstable subsystems are considered to coexist in the system, and a new concept of extended FT stability is proposed as the first attempt. A stability criterion is first established, where the admissible maximum switching number is obtained while ensuring extended FT stability of switched linear systems with time-varying delays under a given maximum ratio between the running time of unstable subsystems and the running time of stable subsystems. Sufficient conditions on the existence of desired memory state-feedback controllers are …
Unbiased Inference for Discretely Observed Hidden Markov Model Diffusions
We develop a Bayesian inference method for diffusions observed discretely and with noise, which is free of discretisation bias. Unlike existing unbiased inference methods, our method does not rely on exact simulation techniques. Instead, our method uses standard time-discretised approximations of diffusions, such as the Euler--Maruyama scheme. Our approach is based on particle marginal Metropolis--Hastings, a particle filter, randomised multilevel Monte Carlo, and importance sampling type correction of approximate Markov chain Monte Carlo. The resulting estimator leads to inference without a bias from the time-discretisation as the number of Markov chain iterations increases. We give conver…