U-Pb zircon and Sm-Nd model ages of high-grade Moldanubian metasediments, Bohemian Massif, Czechoslovakia
We report single grain U-Pb ion-microprobe as well as conventional bulk size fraction ages for zircons from 3 metasediment samples of the Moldanubian Complex, Bohemian Massif, one of the largest crystalline complexes of the Hercynian foldbelt in Europe. These are complemented by whole-rock Sm-Nd model ages. The metasediments are of upper amphibolite to granulite grade and come from the Bory Massif in Moravia, NW of Brno (sample AA-1) and from the Varied Group (AA-2) and Monotonous Group (AA-3) in the Ceske Budejovice region of SW Bohemia.