Martí Pi
Dipole surface plasmon in K+N clusters
Abstract The technique of sum rules has been used to investigate the dipole surface plasmon for K + N clusters within a Density Functional Theory and the spherical jellium model. The role played by non-local effects is discussed comparing the results obtained from different functionals. Band-structure and core-polarization effects have been phenomenologically included in the calculation by means of an electron effective mass and a dielectric constant. Comparison with recent experimental data is presented.
Shell structure in mixed3He−4Hedroplets
Due to the immiscibility of ${}^{3}\mathrm{He}$ into ${}^{4}\mathrm{He}$ at very low temperatures, mixed helium droplets consist of a core of ${}^{4}\mathrm{He}$ atoms coated by a ${}^{3}\mathrm{He}$ layer whose thickness depends on the number of atoms of each isotope. When these numbers are such that the centrifugal kinetic energy of the ${}^{3}\mathrm{He}$ atoms is small and can be considered as a perturbation to the mean-field energy, a novel shell structure arises, with magic numbers different from these of pure ${}^{3}\mathrm{He}$ droplets. If the outermost shell is not completely filled, the valence atoms align their spins up to the maximum value allowed by the Pauli principle.
Structure and energetics of mixed4He-3He drops
Using a finite-range density functional, we have investigated the energetics and structural features of mixed helium clusters. The possibility of doping the cluster with a molecule of sulfur hexafluoride is also considered. It is seen that the repulsion introduced by the impurity strongly modifies the properties of the smallest drops. Although only a qualitative comparison is possible, the gross features displayed by our calculations are in agreement with recent experimental findings. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}
Toward a density functional description of liquid pH2.
A finite-temperature density functional approach to describe the properties of parahydrogen in the liquid-vapor coexistence region is presented. The first proposed functional is zero-range, where the density-gradient term is adjusted so as to reproduce the surface tension of the liquid-vapor interface at low temperature. The second functional is finite-range and, while it is fitted to reproduce bulk pH2 properties only, it is shown to yield surface properties in good agreement with experiments. These functionals are used to study the surface thickness of the liquid-vapor interface, the wetting transition of parahydrogen on a planar Rb model surface, and homogeneous cavitation in bulk liquid…
Cavitation in 3He-4he Liquid Mixtures
Phase transitions under equilibrium conditions are experimentally well determined and take place in the coexistence regime. However, phase transitions do not always occur under equilibrium conditions. As the new phase forms, the free energy of the system is lowered, but the original phase can be held in a metastable state close to the equilibrium transition point. Although they are internally stable, in each case there exists another configuration that has a lower thermodynamical potential. The metastable state is separated from the stable state by a thermodynamic barrier. Due to statistical fluctuations in density or concentration, this barrier can be overcome as the result of the formatio…
Thermal nucleation of cavities in liquid helium at negative pressures
We have investigated the nucleation rate at which cavities are formed in $^{4}\mathrm{He}$ and $^{3}\mathrm{He}$ at negative pressures due to thermal fluctuations. To this end, we have used a density functional that reproduces the He liquid-gas interface along the coexistence line. The inclusion of thermal effects in the calculation of the barrier against nucleation results in a sizable decrease of the absolute value of the tensile strength above 1.5 K.
Cavitation of electron bubbles in liquid parahydrogen
Within a finite-temperature density functional approach, we have investigated the structure of electron bubbles in liquid parahydrogen below the saturated vapour pressure, determining the critical pressure at which electron bubbles explode as a function of temperature. The electron-parahydrogen interaction has been modelled by a Hartree-type local potential fitted to the experimental value of the conduction band-edge for a delocalized electron in pH(2). We have found that the pressure for bubble explosion is, in absolute value, about a factor of two smaller than that of the homogeneous cavitation pressure in the liquid. Comparison with the results obtained within the capillary model shows t…
Nucleation and cavitation in parahydrogen
We have used a density functional approach to investigate thermal homogeneous nucleation and cavitation in parahydrogen. The effect of electrons as seeds of heterogeneous cavitation in liquid parahydrogen is also discussed within the capillary model. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dipole surface plasmon in large K N + clusters
The dipole surface plasmon forK N + clusters is analyzed using the RPA sum-rule technique within a semiclassical Density Functional Theory and the spherical jellium model. The theoretical frequencies are blue shifted as compared to the experimental ones. The discrepancies between theory and experiment are reduced when considering non-local energy contributions in the density functional and phenomenologically including atomic lattice effects by means of an electron effective mass and a static dielectric constant.