K. Schoepfer

Laserfotokoagulation und photodynamische Therapie (PDT) zur Behandlung der retinalen angiomatösen Proliferation (RAP) bei feuchter altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration (AMD)

BACKGROUND: Retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) is a subtype of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) with particularly bad prognosis. Diverse treatment modalities are performed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective review on the treatment results of 41 consecutive patients from 1 / 2003 to 12 / 2005 with RAP stage 1 - 3 (Yannuzzi classification), who were treated with laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide (IVT). Follow-up was 12 months minimally. RESULTS: In RAP stage I complete closure of the vascular lesion in 14 / 22 eyes was achieved by 1.2 ± 0.5 sessions of laser photocoagulation (4 × combined…

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Idiopathische makuläre Teleangiektasie (IMT) – Verlaufsbeobachtung mit und ohne Laserphotokoagulation

Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of laser photocoagulation for idiopathic macular telangiectasia (IMT) by using the revised and simplified classification of Yannuzzi 2006. Patients and methods The Yannuzzi classification was used for a retrospective analysis of the medical records of all patients with idiopathic macular telangiectasia as diagnosed consecutively in the University Eye Clinic of Mainz in the time period from 1 / 02 to 12 / 06. Laser treatment was indicated only in those eyes which presented with a visual acuity below 10 / 20 (follow-up interval in median 37 months, minimum 13 months). Results 12 patients with unilateral macular telangiectasia (IM…

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Langzeitverlauf 10 Jahre nach transpupillarer Thermotherapie (TTT) kleiner, posteriorer maligner Aderhautmelanome

Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term results of transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) for small malignant choroidal melanomas. Patients and methods In the time period 1/1998 to 10/1999 in a prospective non-randomised analysis 26 eyes with small malignant melanomas (located posterior to the equator with base ≤ 12 and thickness ≤ 4.5 mm) were primary treated with the TTT standard protocol (follow-up over a time span of at least 10 years). Results Thirteen women and thirteen men (mean age: 64 years) underwent TTT. The mean preoperative tumour thickness was 2.45 mm (0.8 - 4.5 mm). Ten years postoperatively tumour regression without recurrence after 1.4 treatment sessions …

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Chorioretinopathia serosa centralis (CSC) und Kortikosteroide

Background Corticosteroids are under suspicion of playing an important role in the development of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC). Patients and methods In a prospective study the course of CSC was evaluated in a consecutive series of 46 patients, who received the diagnosis of CSC in the period 4 / 2004 - 12 / 2005. Data analysis was focused on the complete medical and ocular history and the ocular course of this disease. Results 27 patients had been taking exogenous corticosteroids (oral, intravenous, inhalative, cutaneous and intraarticular) within 4 weeks before onset of symptoms. Additionally, one case with Cushing's disease and 2 pregnant women were included. These 30 / 46 patien…

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Tumorregression maligner Aderhautmelanome nach Transpupillarer Thermotherapie (TTT) versus Ruthenium-Brachytherapie und Sandwichtherapie – eine vergleichende Analyse

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate tumour regression in a large series of choroidal melanomas, which were treated with three different eye-sparing treatment modalities. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective review of the treatment results in all eyes with malignant choroidal melanoma, which were treated in the University Eye Clinic of Mainz consecutively in the time span 1.1992 to 12.2000 with transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT, standard protocol Oosterhuis JA 1995), ruthenium brachytherapy (RB, tumor apex dose 150 Gy) or sandwich therapy (ST). One-step ST was defined as TTT followed by RB with 100 Gy tumor apex dose within 48 hours. The treatment of residual prominences with TTT s…

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Arteriovenöse Dissektion (AVD) bei retinalen Venolenastverschlüssen

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to report on arteriovenous sheathotomy in branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) with a long-term follow-up and examine the visual field effects of this surgical approach. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a clinical trial 36 eyes with branch retinal vein occlusion (22 eyes with ischaemia, 14 eyes with chronic macular oedema) underwent surgical decompression accompanied by peeling of the membrana limitans interna after prior isovolemic haemodilution for 3 months had been unsuccessfull. RESULTS: All eyes showed a significant reduction of macular oedema 3 months after surgery. During follow-up (median: 26.4 months) visual acuity increased in 24 / 36 eyes and was stab…

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Morbus Eales – 10 Jahre Erfahrung mit einem seltenen Krankheitsbild

BACKGROUND: Eales’ disease is an uncommon vasoproliferative retinal disease affecting otherwise healthy young men. We report on our treatment results in a large patients group with long-term follow-up. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The treatment results in 50 eyes (35 patients) with Eales’ disease, that were cosecutively treated from May 1995 to August 2005, were analysed retrospectively. Recorded data included age, sex, race, association of systemic disease, medications, laboratory evaluation and the surgical treatment. Mean follow-up was 5.8 years (minimum: 3.2, maximum: 8.6 years). RESULTS: Systemic and laboratory evaluations detected a factor V Leiden mutation (4 × ), vestibuloauditory problems…

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