B.b. Brandt
Spectrum of the QCD flux tube in 3d SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Abstract Evidence from the lattice suggests that formation of a flux tube between a q q ¯ pair in the QCD vacuum leads to quark confinement. For large separations between the quarks, it is conjectured that the flux tube has a behavior similar to an oscillating bosonic string, supported by lattice data for the groundstate q q ¯ potential. We measure the excited states of the flux tube in 3d SU ( 2 ) gauge theory with three different couplings inside the scaling region. We compare our results to predictions of effective string theories.
Hadronic contribution to the lepton anomalous magnetic moment and pion form factor in lattice QCD
Abstract The Mainz lattice QCD group is currently carrying out simulations of lattice QCD with the aim of making predictions for a wide range of phenomenologically relevant Standard Model properties. Here we present progress in understanding and controlling systematic effects in the computation of the pion vector form factor and the leading hadronic contribution to the lepton anomalous magnetic moment.