K. Gulda

The nuclear structure of 229Th

Abstract The γ -rays following the β − decay of 229 Ac have been investigated by means of γ -ray singles and γγ -coincidence measurements using Ge detectors. Multipolarities of 40 transitions in 229 Th have been established by measuring conversion electrons with a mini-orange electron spectrometer. The half-lives of the 146.35, 164.53 and 261.96 keV levels have been measured using the advanced time delayed βγγ (t) method. The low-lying states in 229 Th and observed transition rates have been interpreted within the quasiparticle–phonon model with inclusion of Coriolis coupling. Two octupole correlated parity partner bands, with K π =5/2 ± and K π =3/2 ± , were identified in 229 Th.

research product

Nuclear structure of (231)Ac

The low-energy structure of 231Ac has been investigated by means of gamma ray spectroscopy following the beta-decay of 231Ra. Multipolarities of 28 transitions have been established by measuring conversion electrons with a mini-orange electron spectrometer. The decay scheme of 231Ra --> 231Ac has been constructed for the first time. The Advanced Time Delayed beta-gamma-gamma(t) method has been used to measure the half-lives of five levels. The moderately fast B(E1) transition rates derived suggest that the octupole effects, albeit weak, are still present in this exotic nucleus. The low-energy structure of 231 Ac has been investigated by means of γ ray spectroscopy following the β − decay of…

research product

Quadrupole deformed and octupole collective bands in 228Ra

Spins and parities for collective states in $^{228}$Ra have been determined from conversion electron measurements with a mini-orange $\beta$-spectrometer. The fast-timing $\beta\gamma\gamma(t)$ method has been used to measure lifetimes of T$_{1/2}$=550(20) ps and 181(3) ps for the $2^{+}_{1}$ and $4^{+}_{1}$ members of the K=0$^{+}$ band, and T$_{1/2} \leqslant$ 7 ps and $\leqslant$ 6 ps for the $1^{-}_{1}$ and $3^{-}_1$ members of the K = $0^{-}$ band, respectively The quadrupole moments, $Q_{0}$ deduced from the B (E2; 2$_{1}^{+} \rightarrow 0_{1}^{+}$) and B (E2; 4$_{1}^{+} \rightarrow 2_1^{+}$) rates are in good agreement with the previously measured value and the systematics of the reg…

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