Claudiu Isarie

Modeling of energy transfer from the photon beam at an optical media

Laser beam could be applied to act in optical media, to build different spatial images. The operation could be made direct by copying an image or through a C.D. The successive points could be realized with relatively high speed, like 103-105 points per second. Each point represents practically a machining operation done by the laser beam. In most cases, energy transfer is made not in a plane, but in a volume, and this requires moving the focal point in positions required by the image we want to create. This is a sequentially operation, made point by point following a definite order, but in the same time, because the image is spatially, we have to adapt also other parameters of the optical s…

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Possibility of identifying the photon source studying the photon parameters

Sometimes it is important to know the kind of laser and also the nature of the active media where the photons are produced, mainly when the photon source is situated at long distance from the target, and you can have information, only from the photons. The authors considered many ways of theoretical and applied research, using models for different types of lasers. High-speed and high-accuracy applications in processing trend to increase in the field of some important applications like laser beam welding and laser beam cutting. Some time the source presents inconstant parameters, and so, the measurements must be made in a relative short interval of time. The study requires problems like: spa…

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Modern laser technologies used for cutting textile materials

With modern laser technologies we can cut multiple layers at once, yielding high production levels and short setup times between cutting runs. One example could be the operation of cutting the material named Nylon 66, used to manufacture automobile airbags. With laser, up to seven layers of Nylon 66 can be cut in one pass, that means high production rates on a single machine. Airbags must be precisely crafted piece of critical safety equipment that is built to very high levels of precision in a mass production environment. Of course, synthetic material, used for airbags, can be cut also by a conventional fixed blade system, but for a high production rates and a long term low-maintenance, la…

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Urban areas represent the main zones of anthropogenic emissions and, at the same time, includes the largest number of population exposed to air pollution. Data related to traffic hot spots locations in Sibiu urban areas are presented and discussed in this paper. It is important to assess the impact of changing climate conditions and concentration of pollutants, these aspects are of special interest because of high and increasing population of urban regions exposed to consequences of climate change and air pollution. Paper tackling the problem of traffic related pollution and especially PM10 fraction as a novel research. No other research were previously done in Sibiu region emphasising part…

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Analogical Modeling and Numerical Simulation for Sintering Phenomena

In this paper the authors propose an approach for analogical modeling and numerical simulation of the phenomena of sintering, taking into account different cases depending on the type of energy used in the process of aggregation and the nature of the material powder, using a software which simulates the propagation and the control of the temperature. Many physical phenomena encountered in science and engineering can be described mathematically through partial differential equations (PDE) and ordinary differential equations (ODE) such as propagation phenomena, engineering applications, hydrotechnics, chemistry, pollution a.s.o. There may be situations when the exact establish of the analytic…

research product

The influence of laser beam-width and focusing angle about the precision of cutting metallic materials

To realize a high precision cutting operation, we must know the position and pointing of the beam axis- which are defined in accordance with ISO, by the centers of gravity of energy density distributions at different distances from the exit lens of laser. The angle of focalization must be related at least with; material width, beam energy, cutting speed, precision requirements and workpiece destination. Authors have realized experimental set-up for simultaneous measurement of energy density distributions, correlated with the mentioned working parameters. Besides the geometrical details, the authors studied also the influence of different values of beam density, about the zone affected by he…

research product

High-power laser-beam characteristics

Applications of high-power lasers are very important, especially for cutting and welding. As it is known, laser-beam characteristics have not constant value in time. So we may have suitable testing methods which allow us to determine the principal beam characteristics. The testing methods have to be very accurate, very efficient and in the same time very short as duration. We must apply a 3-dimensional intensity analysis, to the photonic beam we are studying. The number of industrial applications of lasers is increasing. An important thing is to know the optical characteristics of the laser that we study. Only the complete knowledge of the laser parameters allows controlling the process. Fo…

research product

Effect of gaseous impurities and the laser optics

The impurities into the volume of a material appear while the elaboration process of the considered material. If a material is non-homogenous, even if we machine this material by means of a classical technology we could remark some differences in the machining process like cutting, drilling a.s.o. even in the process of welding. The impurities may be gaseous or solid. Each kind of impurity has another effect for the classical tool, or for a non-traditional tool i.e. a kind of concentrated energy. Each kind of medium has another reaction versus laser beam, because each medium has other physical characteristics. The modifications of characteristics require modifications of photon beam paramet…

research product

Environmental assessment of the Sibiu County, Romania: proposal for sewage sludge and OFMSW management

The aim of the work is to assess current solid waste management (SWM) and wastewater treatment (WWT) in the county of Sibiu, Romania. Sibiu is a region where industrialization and tourism are spreading constantly, while pollution monitoring and the introduction of circular economy (CE) principles are still lacking. The environmental issues are mostly due to the absence of reliable sanitation systems, in particular for what concerns sewage sludge treatment. Moreover, Organic fraction from selective collection of municipal solid waste is still missing, since it is disposed of directly to landfill, increasing environmental pollution and contributing considerably to global warming. As a result,…

research product

About some new possibilities of increasing the intrinsic output power of the photon beam: for definite laser active media

Producers and users of laser beam equipment have some wishes as: to have economic machines, the machines must be as small and light as possible, the power supply must be also very light and small. All mentioned desires - and other related with them - may be accomplished by an adequate efficiency of laser beam process. As we know, the first laser began with 2% efficiency. In the process of time, the efficiency increased progressive, and in this way was possible after the year 2000 to have laser weapons mounted on jet planes, including the power supply. In a laser system, there are many points where photons are lost. To reduce this losses, we must treat with the utmost care all points of the …

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