Electrochemical Investigation of Lithium Intercalation in MOCVD Derived Nanostructured Anatase/Rutile TiO2
In this paper we report on the lithium reversible storage in titanium dioxide (TiO2) prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Electrochemical properties in terms of lithium reversible insertion depend on the deposited microstructure. For thick films deposited on silicon wafer electrochemical activity of the anatase type of TiO2 is registered in the potential range 1.8-2.1 V vs. Li. For thinner films the intercalation reaction takes place in two potential ranges: 1.8-2.1 V vs. Li and below 1.4 V vs. Li. The second electroactivity range is attributed to lithium insertion into rutile. We found that the decrease of the lower potential limit (0.5 V instead of commonly used 1 …
High-Pressure Synthesis of Novel Boron Oxynitride B6N4O3 with Sphalerite Type Structure
A novel crystalline boron oxynitride (BON) phase has been synthesized under static pressures exceeding 15 GPa and temperatures above 1900 °C, from molar mixtures of B2O3 and h-BN. The structure and composition of the synthesized product were studied using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, automated diffraction tomography, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). BON shows a hexagonal cell (R3m, Z = 3) with lattice parameters a = 2.55(5) A and c = 6.37(13) A, and a crystal structure closely related to the cubic sphalerite type. The EELS quantification yielded 42 at % B, 35 at % N, and 23 at % O (B:N:O ≈ 6:4:3). E…
Frontispiece: A Novel High‐Pressure Tin Oxynitride Sn 2 N 2 O
Chemistry - a European journal 26(10), 2187-2194 (2020). doi:10.1002/chem.202081063
Effect of the Content and Ordering of the sp2 Free Carbon Phase on the Charge Carrier Transport in Polymer-Derived Silicon Oxycarbides
The present work elaborates on the correlation between the amount and ordering of the free carbon phase in silicon oxycarbides and their charge carrier transport behavior. Thus, silicon oxycarbides possessing free carbon contents from 0 to ca. 58 vol.% (SiOC/C) were synthesized and exposed to temperatures from 1100 to 1800 °
A Novel High‐Pressure Tin Oxynitride Sn 2 N 2 O
Chemistry - a European journal in Press(in Press), chem.201904529 (2019). doi:10.1002/chem.201904529