Sanna Eronen
Optimistic, Approach‐oriented, and Avoidance Strategies in Social Situations: Three Studies on Loneliness and Peer Relationships
The aim of the three studies was to examine the extent to which the cognitive and behavioural strategies young adults apply in social situations are associated with their subsequent feelings of loneliness, their peer relationships, and social behaviour. In Study 1, 303 young adults first filled in the Strategy and Attribution Questionnaire (SAQ) and, 1 year later, the revised UCLA Loneliness scale. In Study 2, 71 young adults filled in first the SAQ and, 4 months later, the UCLA Loneliness scale and a sociometric questionnaire measuring popularity and unpopularity. In Study 3, 35 young adults who had participated in Study 1 were rated by student tutors according to their social behaviour in…
Social Reaction Styles, Interpersonal Behaviours and Person Perception: A Multi-Informant Approach
Social strategies and reaction styles have been suggested to play an important role in initiating social relationships and in satisfaction with them. In order to investigate whether they are directly associated with popularity, unpopularity, lone-liness and evaluations about the social climate, or whether their impact is mediated by interpersonal behaviours and person perception, 92 students were asked to complete questionnaires measuring their social reaction styles, their lone-liness, the social climate in the class and their sociometric status. They also rated the behaviour of seven of their classmates, and these ratings were used as indices of social behaviour and person perception. Th…
On a journey towards web literacy : the electronic learning space Netro
Vastavalmistuneen tulokkaan osallisuuden ja oppimisen edistäminen työyhteisössä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella vastavalmistuneiden uusien työntekijöiden osaamisen hyödyntämistä ja oppimista työyhteisössä. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin kuvailemaan heidän kokemuksiaan osaamisensa hyödyntämisestä ja oppimisesta työyhteisössä. Tutkimuskysymyksin selvitettiin, millaiset työyhteisön tekijät edistävät vastavalmistuneen uuden työntekijän osallisuutta ja oppimista työyhteisössä ja millaiset tekijät puolestaan rajoittavat vastavalmistuneen uuden työntekijän osallisuutta ja oppimista työyhteisössä. Tarkastelunäkökulma pohjautui Fullerin ja Unwinin ekspansiivis-rajoittavan oppimisen teoriaan ja Wengerin sosiaalisen oppimisen teoriaan. Fullerin ja Unwinin teoria tarkastelee…
Life events, predisposing cognitive strategies and well-being
Social strategies and loneliness.
Although substantial research has been done on loneliness, in only a few studies has the extent of its association with the cognitive and attributional strategies people apply in social situations been investigated. Two studies were carried out among Finnish students to examine this association. In Study 1, 70 men and 202 women filled in the Cartoon-Attribution-Strategy Test (CAST) and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), then 1 year later, the revised UCLA Loneliness Scale. In Study 2, 25 men and 35 women filled in the CAST and the RSE, then 4 months later, the UCLA Loneliness Scale. In both studies, a pessimistic avoidance strategy was associated with subsequent feelings of loneliness, ev…
Optimistic, defensive-pessimistic, impulsive and self-handicapping strategies in university environments
Abstract A person-oriented approach was used to investigate what types of achievement strategy people apply in university environments, and how these are associated with their academic achievement, related satisfaction and personal well-being. Two hundred and fifty-four undergraduates filled in first the Cartoon-Attribution-Strategy Test, the Strategy and Attribution Questionnaire, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale and the revised Beck's Depression Inventory at the beginning of their studies, and one year later an academic satisfaction scale. Two years later, they again filled in the same measures. Their academic achievement was coded yearly from university archives. Four types of achievement s…
Sociometric status of young adults: Behavioural correlates, and cognitive-motivational antecedents and consequences
A cross-lagged longitudinal study was carried out to investigate whether social reaction styles and loneliness serve as antecedents and consequences of sociometric status among young adults. Behavioural correlates of sociometric status were also studied. Questionnaires measuring sociometric ratings, social reaction styles, loneliness, and group atmosphere were ”lled in by 154 students one week after starting at a new school, then half a year later, and ”nally, one year later. In Measurement 2, the participants’ social behaviour was rated by their classmates. The results indicated that social reaction styles, feelings of loneliness, and satisfaction with the group atmosphere prospectively p…