Begoăąa Dobon
Additional file 1: of Gene connectivity and enzyme evolution in the human metabolic network
Figure S1. Reaction graph generated from the human metabolic network reconstruction Recon3D. Figure S2. Distribution of the selection estimates calculated for genes with 1:1 orthologs in the 6 species (Human, Chimpanzee, Gorilla, Orangutan, Mouse, and Rat) in the global metabolic network. Figure S3. Correlation matrices between variables. Figure S4. Relationship between selection estimates and connectivity (degree, in-degree and out-degree) in the global metabolic network. Figure S5. Relationship between selection estimates and position. Figure S6. Number of genes under positive selection in each functional pathway of the global metabolic network. Figure S7. Distribution of the number of en…
Additional file 2: of Gene connectivity and enzyme evolution in the human metabolic network
Table S1. Reaction graph. List of edges of the directed reaction graph generated formed by the giant connected component of Recon3D. Table S2. Genes under positive selection in the global metabolic network. Table S3. Genes under recent positive selection in individual metabolic pathways. Table S4. Connectivity of metabolic genes under positive selection compared to the rest of metabolic genes in individual metabolic pathways. Table S5. Global metabolic network giant connected component gene/reaction information. Table S6. Individual metabolic pathways gene/reaction information. (XLSX 4140 kb)