Gláucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano

Influence of surface treatments on enamel susceptibility to staining by cigarette smoke

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of remineralizing agents, including artificial saliva, neutral fluoride, and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP), on the susceptibility of bleached enamel to staining by cigarette smoke. Study Design: Fifty bovine enamel blocks were randomly divided into five groups (n = 10): G1- bleaching; G2- bleaching and immersion in artificial saliva; G3- bleaching and application of CPP-ACP; G4- bleaching and application of neutral fluoride; and G5- untreated (Control). Teeth were bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide and treated with the appropriate remineralizing agent. After treatment, all groups were exposed …

research product

Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in a sample of brazilian university professors

O docente integra um grupo de risco para o desenvolvimento da Síndrome de Burnout (SB). Este estudo investigou a prevalência da SB em 169 professores universitários da cidade de Piracicaba-SP, por meio do Questionário de Avaliação para a Síndrome de Burnout (CESQT versão brasileira). O valor de consistência interna alfa de Cronbach foi satisfatório para todas as dimensões do questionário. Os resultados mostraram que 11,2% dos professores apresentaram Perfil 1 e 3% Perfil 2 da SB. A prevalência encontrada é motivo de preocupação e merece atenção, não só pelos danos que a SB provoca na saúde física, mental e social do profissional, mas também pela influência na qualidade de ensino praticado n…

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Burnout Syndrome in municipal health managers

Resumo Introdução Os gestores municipais da saúde devem responder às demandas de suas equipes e dos pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde, enfrentando cotidianamente situações potencialmente estressoras. A sobrecarga no trabalho pode levar à exaustão física e mental, com esgotamento dos recursos emocionais, e desencadear a Síndrome de Burnout (SB), cujas consequências podem atingir o serviço gerenciado, uma vez que, ao desempenhar essa atividade laboral, tomam-se decisões determinantes nas ações em saúde que afetam muitas pessoas. Este estudo verificou a presença da SB nos gestores municipais de saúde do Estado de São Paulo. Métodos Estudo do tipo transversal no qual foram coletados dados soc…

research product

Effects of acids used in the microabrasion technique: microhardness and confocal microscopy analysis

Background: This study evaluated the effects of the acids used in the microabrasion on enamel. Material and Methods: Seventy enamel/dentine blocks (25 mm 2 ) of bovine incisors were divided into 7 groups (n=10). Experimental groups were treated by active/passive application of 35% H 3 PO 4 (E1/E2) or 6.6% HCl (E3/ E4). Control groups were treated by microabrasion with H 3 PO 4 +pumice (C5), HCl+silica (C6), or no treatment (C7). The superficial (SMH) and cross-sectional (CSMH; depths of 10, 25, 50, and 75 μm) microhardness of enamel were analyzed. Morphology was evaluated by confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Proc Mixed), Tukey, and Dunnet…

research product

Correlation between alteration of enamel roughness and tooth color

Background To establish the correlation between enamel roughness and color change of tooth. Material and Methods Enamel/dentin blocks (5 x 5 x 3.2 mm) were serially ground with the following abrasive paper: 1200-grit, 800-grit, and 600-grit SiC papers. In the paired model, the analyses of color (L*, a*, b*, ΔE) and roughness (Ra) were performed among the sandpaper exposure. The data were subjected to ANOVA using models for repeated measures followed by the Tukey test. The Pearson correlation test was used to determine whether there was a relationship between Ra values and color results (α = 0.05). Results The L* values decreased in accordance with the increase of Ra, with statistical differ…

research product

Effectiveness of dental bleaching in depth after using different bleaching agents

Objectives: This study evaluated the effectiveness of low- and high-concentration bleaching agents on enamel and deep dentin. Study design: Stained bovine incisors fragments were randomized placed into 10 groups (n=5), according to the sample thicknesses (2.0 mm or 3.5 mm) and bleaching agent: 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) (4 h a day/21 days); 6% hydrogen peroxide (HP) with calcium (1:30 h a day/21 days); HP 20% with calcium (50 min a day/3 sessions with a 7-day interval); HP 35% (3 x 15 min a day/3 sessions with a 7-day interval); HP 35% with calcium (40 min a day/3 sessions with a 7-day interval). The samples were stored in artificial saliva during the experiment. The co - lor change was ev…

research product

Burnout Syndrome in municipal health managers

Abstract Background Municipal health managers must respond to the demands of their staff and Unified Health System´s patients, facing daily potentially stressful situations. The work overload can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, with depletion of emotional resources, and trigger the Burnout Syndrome (BS) with consequences that can affect the service, as the managing activity takes major decisions on health actions that affect many people. This study verified the presence of BS in the municipal health managers in the state of São Paulo. Methods Cross-sectional study. Demographic and socioeconomic data were collected and BS levels were evaluated by application of the Cuestionario para …

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