Elina Radionova-girsa
Transformation of Loyalty to E-loyalty
As everyday life moves to the Internet, many factors and components have come up, with the "e" and e-loyalty not an exception. The authors focused on the transformation of loyalty to e-loyalty. It is important to understand the main differences between consumer loyalty models and e-loyalty models in order to promote business development not only in the traditional environment but also in the online environment. Such research methods as comparative analysis, analysis of the scientific literature, content analysis were used. The main focus of the research was on comparing loyalty models in the traditional and e-environment to find out the peculiarities and main features of the e-environment. …
Comparison of E-Trust and Trust Concepts in Online and Offline Dimensions
Abstract In everyday lives, we more and more use different technology products to make our lives easier and faster. We often do not realise that we are switching our lifestyles to the online platform - we do everything mostly online - meet and communicate with others, watch videos and listen to favourite songs, choose and buy different things. The main question is - can we trust everything that we see on the screen? Is the explanation of “trust” the same in real life and in online sphere? Authors of the paper compare the concept of “trust” in offline trade market with that in online trading. The following methods were used - literature study and analysis, consumer survey and statistical ana…
The purpose of the study is to find out the main approaches to the relationship marketing on the internet that could help companies to build a long-term relationship with their customers. Principal objectives are to find and analyse scientific literature on the topic; with statistical and empirical analysis to find out the main differences between relationship marketing in the traditional and internet dimension. The research methods of the paper are scientific literature theoretical analysis, statistical and empirical data analysis. The results of the research are both theoretical and practical. Using results companies will be able to share their customers seeing at what stage they are loca…