Mira Tulla

The Fibril-associated Collagen IX Provides a Novel Mechanism for Cell Adhesion to Cartilaginous Matrix

Collagen IX is the prototype fibril-associated collagen with interruptions in triple helix. In human cartilage it covers collagen fibrils, but its putative cellular receptors have been unknown. The reverse transcription-PCR analysis of human fetal tissues suggested that based on their distribution all four collagen receptor integrins, namely alpha1beta1, alpha2beta1, alpha10beta1, and alpha11beta1, are possible receptors for collagen IX. Furthermore primary chondrocytes and chondrosarcoma cells express the four integrins simultaneously. Chondrosarcoma cells, as well as Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected to express alpha1beta1, alpha2beta1, or alpha10beta1 integrin as their only collage…

research product

Pediatric Germ Cell Tumors From 1987 to 2011: Incidence Rates, Time Trends, and Survival

BACKGROUND: Malignant germ cell tumors (GCTs) are a rare and a heterogeneous group of pediatric cancers. The incidence rate has increased in some populations or subgroups. However, only a few recent publications on epidemiologic data showing the trends in incidence of pediatric GCTs are available. METHODS: We analyzed the incidence rates, time trends, and survival for 1366 GCTs in children 0 to 14 years old registered in the nationwide, population-based German Childhood Cancer Registry in 1987–2011. RESULTS: The incidence rate of GCTs was slightly higher in girls (age-standardized rate: girls, 5.3; boys, 4.4 per million). A bimodal age distribution was seen. In children aged <1 year…

research product

Collagen receptor integrins : evolution, ligand binding selectivity and the effect of activation

Integriinit ovat solun pinnan valkuaisaineperhe, joilla solu kiinnittyy ympäristöönsä ja toisiin soluihin. Integriinit muodostuvat kahdesta erilaisesta alayksiköstä, alfa- ja beetayksiköstä. Ne osallistuvat elimistön normaaliin toimintaan, kuten solujen kasvun, liikkumisen ja erilaistumisen säätelyyn, mutta ovat osallisina myös monissa patologisissa tiloissa, kuten verisuonitukosten synnyssä, tulehduksissa ja syövän etäpesäkkeiden muodostumisessa.Mira Tulla tutki niitä integriinireseptoriperheen jäseniä, jotka toimivat kollageenin tunnistajina. Kollageeni on elimistössämme runsaimmin esiintyvä valkuaisaine, josta tunnetaan noin 30 alatyyppiä. Kollageenireseptori-integriinit sitoutuvat kolla…

research product

Selective Binding of Collagen Subtypes by Integrin α1I, α2I, and α10I Domains

Four integrins, namely alpha(1)beta(1), alpha(2)beta(1), alpha(10)beta(1), and alpha(11)beta(1), form a special subclass of cell adhesion receptors. They are all collagen receptors, and they recognize their ligands with an inserted domain (I domain) in their alpha subunit. We have produced the human integrin alpha(10)I domain as a recombinant protein to reveal its ligand binding specificity. In general, alpha(10)I did recognize collagen types I-VI and laminin-1 in a Mg(2+)-dependent manner, whereas its binding to tenascin was only slightly better than to albumin. When alpha(10)I was tested together with the alpha(1)I and alpha(2)I domains, all three I domains seemed to have their own collag…

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