R. Giuliani
Rare Cancers Europe (RCE) methodological recommendations for clinical studies in rare cancers: A European consensus position paper
While they account for one-fifth of new cancer cases, rare cancers are difficult to study. A higher than average degree of uncertainty should be accommodated for clinical as well as for population-based decision making. Rules of rational decision making in conditions of uncertainty should be rigorously followed and would need widely informative clinical trials. In principle, any piece of new evidence would need to be exploited in rare cancers. Methodologies to explicitly weigh and combine all the available evidence should be refined, and the Bayesian logic can be instrumental to this end. Likewise, Bayesian-design trials may help optimize the low number of patients liable to be enrolled in …
Beyond the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities to optimize clinical trial implementation in oncology.
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic affected millions of people globally with lasting effects on society, patients, investigators and health institutions. Clinical trials, our best tool to improve cancer treatment for patients through testing the clinical value of a new treatment, have been affected by the pandemic. The pandemic footprint represents both a risk of compromising development of new therapies and an opportunity to elicit discussion over a portfolio of broader reforms, applicable irrespective of pandemics, in order to improve the design and implementation of clinical trials in oncology. The administrative load should be reduced, without affecting the quality of research and principle…