A. S. Botvina
Hypernuclear physics is currently attracting renewed attention. Thanks to the use of stored [Formula: see text] beams, copious production of double Λ hypernuclei is expected at the [Formula: see text] experiment which will enable high precision γ-spectroscopy of such nuclei for the first time. In the present work we have studied the population of particle stable, excited states in double hypernuclei after the capture of a Ξ- within a statistical decay model. In order to check the feasibility of producing and performing γ-spectroscopy of double hypernuclei at [Formula: see text], an event generator based on these calculations has been implemented in the [Formula: see text] simulation framew…
Production of hypernuclei in peripheral relativistic ion collisions
Within a dynamical and statistical approach we study the main regularities in production of hypernuclei coming from projectile and target residues in relativistic ion collisions. We demonstrate that yields of hypernuclei increase considerably above the energy threshold for Lambda hyperons, and there is a saturation for yields of single hypernuclei with increasing the beam energy up to few TeV. Production of specific hypernuclei depend very much on the isotopic composition of the projectile, and this gives a chance to obtain exotic hypernuclei that may be difficult to reach in traditional hypernuclear experiments. Possibilities for the detection of such hypernuclei with planned and available…
Statistical decay of hyperfragments
Combining the unique features of the hypernuclear electro-production mechanism and the high precision in magnetic spectroscopy, the proposed E-08-012 experiment at Jefferson Lab, Virginia, and the scheduled hypernuclear experiment at MAMI, Germany, focus on the high-resolution spectroscopy of weak two-body decay pions from hypernuclei. These experiments will provide insight on a wide range of light hypernuclei via the production of hyperfragments from 9 Be, 6,7 Li and 12 C targets. In the present work we explore the production of Λ-hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited hypernucleus which is created by the electro/photo-production reaction. Finally the mo…
Formation Of Hypernuclei In Evaporation And Fission Processes
There are excellent opportunities to produce excited heavy hyper residues in relativistic hadron and peripheral heavy-ion collisions. We investigate the disintegration of such residues into hyper nuclei via evaporation of baryons and light clusters and their fission. Previously these processes were well known for normal nuclei as the decay channels at low excitation energies. We have generalized these models for the case of hyper-matter. In this way we make extension of nuclear reaction studies at low temperature into the strange sector. We demonstrate how the new decay channels can be integrated in the whole disintegration process. Their importance for mass and isotope distributions of pro…
Production of exotic hypernuclei from excited nuclear systems
We show that within a hybrid two-stage approach one can explain novel experimental data on the production of hypernuclei emitted from projectile residues in relativistic ion collisions. This reaction proceeds via formation of intermediate moderately excited hypernuclear systems, which decay into conventional nuclei and hyperfragments afterward. With a similar reaction mechanism one can also obtain weakly bound exotic hypernuclei (such as $\ensuremath{\Lambda}n$ and H-dibaryons), which may not be easily accessible in other processes.
Production of excited double hypernuclei via Fermi breakup of excited strange systems
Precise spectroscopy of multi-strange hypernuclei provides a unique chance to explore the hyperon-hyperon interaction. In the present work we explore the production of excited states in double hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited double hypernucleus which is created by the absorption and conversion of a stopped $\Xi^{-}$ hyperon. Rather independent on the spectrum of possible excited states in the produced double hypernuclei the formation of excited states dominates in our model. For different initial target nuclei which absorb the $\Xi^-$, different double hypernuclei nuclei dominate. Thus the ability to assign the various observable $\gamma$-transitio…
Experiments on Fission Dynamics with Relativistic Heavy-ion Beams
[Abstract] At GSI, Darmstadt, an experimental program on fission with relativistic heavy-ion beams is in progress. A large range of excitation energies, combined with low angular momentum and small shape distortion is accessible. Full nuclide identification of the reaction residues is achieved by applying inverse kinematics. The nuclide production and the kinematics of fission fragments from a variety of primordial and radioactive projectiles reveal new insight into the influence of shell effects and dissipation on the fission process. The present contribution gives an overview on the experimental methods, the experimental results and the prospects for future progress.
Prospects for hypernuclear physics at Mainz: From KAOS@MAMI to PANDA@FAIR
Abstract At the Mainz Microtron hypernuclei are produced by ( e , e ′ K ) reactions. A dedicated kaon spectrometer located at 0° with respect to the electron beam is used to detect kaons emitted in forward direction thus tagging events involving strangeness production. By measuring the momenta of pions from two body weak decays using high resolution magnetic spectrometers one gains direct access to the ground state masses of the produced hyperfragments. At FAIR the PANDA Collaboration intends to produce double-hypernuclei by numbers with an antiproton beam and study their high resolution γ -spectroscopy thus providing for the first time precise information on the level structure of these nu…
Production of hypernuclei in multifragmentation of nuclear spectator matter
In peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions highly excited spectators containing Lambda-hyperons can be produced. Such strange spectator matter may undergo a break-up into many fragments (multifragmentation) as it is well established for ordinary nuclear systems. We generalize the statistical multifragmentation model, previously successfully used for the description of experimental data, for the case of hypernuclear systems. We predict relative yields of hypernuclei and the main characteristics of such a break-up. We point at a connection of this phenomenon with a liquid-gas phase transition in hypermatter.
Formation of hypernuclei in heavy-ion collisions around the threshold energies
In relativistic ion collisions there are excellent opportunities to produce and investigate hyper-nuclei. We have systematically studied the formation of hypernuclear spectator residues in peripheral heavy-ion collisions with the transport DCM and UrQMD models. The hyperon capture was calculated within the potential and coalescence approaches. We demonstrate that even at the beam energies around and lower than the threshold for producing Lambda hyperons in binary nucleon-nucleon interactions a considerable amount of hypernuclei, including multi-strange ones, can be produced. This is important for preparation of new experiments on hypernuclei in the wide energy range. The uncertainties of th…