Detection of human immunodeficiency virus-1 DNA, RNA and antibody, and occult blood in inactivated saliva: Availability of the filter paper disk method
Eighty three samples of saliva were collected from 60 subjects who were asymptomatic carriers of AIDS related complex (ARC) and AIDS. They included hemophiliacs, homosexuals and heterosexuals. Occult blood, human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) antibody and DNA were assayed after heat treatment at 56 degrees C by strip method, particle agglutination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. HIV-1 RNA was assayed by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR after heat treatment at 56 degrees C or 90 degrees C, or after application to filter paper disks with drying and heat treatment at 90 degrees C. Positive results were found in 53% (occult blood), 73% (HIV-1 antibody), 23% (HIV-1 DNA, 56 de…