S. Wende
The internal auditory artery: (embryology, anatomy, angiography, pathology).
A review of the literature on the embryology, anatomy and angiography of the internal auditory artery has shown that there may be considerable variation as to the origin and number of internal auditory arteries. The present study, based on serial magnification angiographies of the internal auditory artery, has demonstrated 7 variants of the origin of this artery although in 45.4% of cases the internal auditory artery arose from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery. For the diagnosis of pathological processes in the cerebellopontine angle (tumors, sudden deafness, vascular abnormalities) magnification angiography is of special importance. Acoustic neurinomas in particular can be diagnosed…
Intracranial Pressure and Mass Displacements of the Intracranial Contents
The brain is completely surrounded by the bony skull and its closely adherent, tough, dural inner lining. This converts the enclosed space into a watertight chamber with the exception of the small, basally situated foramen magnum. In adults, these factors combine to prevent the skull from expanding. Consequently, the intracranial volume cannot fluctuate. In addition, the intracranial contents — blood, brain, and spinal fluid — are essentially noncompressible.
The actual state of computerized tomography (CT)-computer assisted tomography (CAT).
The Effect of Dexamethasone and Diuretics on Peritumor Brain Edema: Comparative Study of Tissue Water Content and CT
Eighteen brain tumor patients were pre-operatively treated with dexamethasone, 4 × 4 mg i.m. for 4–6 days, and furosemide, 3 × 40 mg p.o. for 2–4 days. Water and electrolyte content were determined in biopsies removed from peritumoral cortex and white matter during operation and compared with the results from 31 patients not pre-treated and 28 patients treated with dexamethasone alone (16–24 mg i.m./day for 4–6 days). While the water content in cortex did not change significantly it fell in white matter from 79.90 ± 0.81 in untreated to 77.29 ± 0.76 in dexamethasone-treated and to 75.53 ± 1.03 in patients treated with a combination of dexamethasone and furosemide. With the diminution of wat…
Ossovenography and Epidural Venography
Henning (1940) and Ehrhardt and Kneip (1943) were the first to report injection of contrast medium into bone. In 1952 Fischgold et al. reported that contrast injections into a human spinous process resulted in an outline of the venous plexus of the attached vertebral body. In subsequent years improvements have been made which now permit contrast visualization of the venous plexuses of the entire vertebral axis.
Special Neuropathology — Morphology and Biology of the Space-Occupying and Atrophic Processes with Their Related Neuroradiological Changes
Site and expansion of the space-occupying and atrophic processes are to a certain degree type-specific. The neuroradiologist must therefore familiarize himself with the various kinds of disease processes.
Computer-Tomographie in der Ophthalmologie
In einer Gemeinschaftsstudie der CT-Gruppen der Universitatskliniken Mainz, Munchen und Berlin wurden 336 Patienten mit Orbita-Erkrankungen untersucht (Tabelle 1).