Gustavo Baldassarre


C1q as a novel player in angiogenesis with therapeutic implication in wound healing

We have previously shown that C1q is expressed on endothelial cells (ECs) of newly formed decidual tissue. Here we demonstrate that C1q is deposited in wound-healing skin in the absence of C4 and C3 and that C1q mRNA is locally expressed as revealed by real-time PCR and in situ hybridization. C1q was found to induce permeability of the EC monolayer, to stimulate EC proliferation and migration, and to promote tube formation and sprouting of new vessels in a rat aortic ring assay. Using a murine model of wound healing we observed that vessel formation was defective in C1qa(-/-) mice and was restored to normal after local application of C1q. The mean vessel density of wound-healing tissue and …

research product

Biomarker analysis of the MITO2 phase III trial of first-line treatment in ovarian cancer: Predictive value of DNA-PK and phosphorylated ACC

// Francesco Perrone 1,* , Gustavo Baldassarre 2,* , Stefano Indraccolo 3,* , Simona Signoriello 4 , Gennaro Chiappetta 1 , Franca Esposito 5 , Gabriella Ferrandina 6 , Renato Franco 1,15 , Delia Mezzanzanica 7 , Maura Sonego 2 , Elisabetta Zulato 3 , Gian F. Zannoni 6 , Vincenzo Canzonieri 2 , Giovanni Scambia 6 , Roberto Sorio 2 , Antonella Savarese 8 , Enrico Breda 9 , Paolo Scollo 10 , Antonella Ferro 11 , Stefano Tamberi 12 , Antonio Febbraro 13 , Donato Natale 14 , Massimo Di Maio 1,16 , Daniela Califano 1 , Giosue  Scognamiglio 1 , Domenica Lorusso 7 , Silvana Canevari 7 , Simona Losito 1 , Ciro Gallo 4,** and Sandro Pignata 1,** 1 Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumor…

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