Mauro Femminella
End-to-End Quality of Service Support
Performance evaluation of a measurement-based algorithm for distributed admission control in a DiffServ framework
Distributed Admission Control in IP DiffServ environments is an emerging and promising research area. Distributed admission control solutions share the idea that no coordination among network routers (i.e. explicit signaling) is necessary, when the decision whether to admit or reject a new offered flow is pushed to the edge of the IP network. Proposed solutions differ in the degree of complexity required in internal network routers, and result in a different robustness and effectiveness in controlling the accepted traffic. This paper builds on a recently proposed distributed admission control solution, called GRIP (Gauge&Gate Reservation with Independent Probing), designed to integrate the …
The RAMON module: architecture framework and performance results
A design study of a Re-configurable Access Module for Mobile Computing Applications is described. After a presentation of its cross-layered architecture, Control Parameters (CPs) of the module are introduced. The set of CPs both describes the functional state of the communication process in relation to the time-varying transport facilities and provides, as input of suitable Algorithms, the control information to re-configure the whole protocol stack for facing modified working conditions. The paper also presents the structure of the simulator realized to demonstrate the feasibility of the design guidelines and to evaluate reconfigurability performances.