Jannicke Rabben

Å være pårørende når alternativ behandling tas i bruk i “kampen mot kreft”

<strong>Being relatives when alternative therapies are used in the "fight against cancer"</strong><br />CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) is prevalent among cancer patients. Relatives are central to support and care for the patient but experience challenges and stresses in this role. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge of how it is experienced to be relative of people with terminal cancer who seeks CAM. Five qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews of relatives and nine biographies written by relatives were analyzed using systematic text condensation. Results showed that relatives experienced to fight for hope in a given battle, not knowing wh…

research product

Perceptions of digital technology in nursing education: A qualitative study.

Abstract Aim The aim of this study was to explore how digital technologies can facilitate interactive learning in a 15-credit theory module on basic nursing. Background Digital platforms are in widespread use in nursing education; however, the rapid technological advancement provides new opportunities to support teaching and learning. This indicates the need to explore how educational digital technologies can be used as an integral part of learning activities to promote quality and relevance in nursing education. This study was carried out at the Department of Nursing Science at a university in Norway. The university has been using a digital platform for many years and has recently adopted …

research product

Student–staff Co-creation of Serious Games - Lessons Learned

Few papers have described academic/faculty staff’s experiences withco-creation,or partnering with students in cross-disciplinary collaborations.The purpose of this paper is to share challenges and outcomes from twointerdisciplinary student–staff co-creationsofserious games for use in a Bachelor of Nursing program in Norway. Our experiences are discussed against an evidence-informed model of student–staff co-creation in higher education. Based on the lessons learned from these two projects, weproposetenkey points for planning and conducting cross-disciplinary student–staff co-creation ofserious games.

research product

Riddere på slakk line : Om pårørende, uhelbredelig kreft og komplementær og alternativ behandling

Masteroppgave Universitetet i Agder, 2014 Fakultet for helse- og idrettsvitenskap Institutt for helse- og sykepleievitenskap Forskning viser at KAM-bruk er utbredt blant kreftpasienter, og pasienter med uhelbredelig kreft oppsøker i større grad KAM-behandlere. Pårørende er sentral i støtte og omsorg for pasienten, og opplever byrder og belastning i denne rollen. Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven har vært å bidra til økt kunnskap om pårørendes opplevelser, for videre kunne gi dem bedre støtte og hjelp. Problemstillingen i dette prosjektet lyder: Hvordan oppleves det å være pårørende til personer med uhelbredelig kreft som søker komplementær og alternativ behandling? Empiriske data er hentet…

research product