Pasi Pohjola
Towards formalised end-user participation in information systems development process
Creating requirements specifications is one of the most challenging tasks in the systems development. For a complete specification, different kinds of information are gathered. This includes information about the domain and context specific technical issues, and about multifaceted cultural, political, communicational, motivational, and personal issues. As there is no information systems development (ISD) method that would yield such information comprehensively, it could be achieved by user-oriented approaches, for instance by participatory design (PD). Reciprocally, unfortunately those do not provide detailed instructions for the systems development. In this paper, we will present our exper…
Technical artefacts : an ontological investigation of technology
Pohjola tutki väitöskirjassaan teknisten innovaatioiden tuotoksia, teknisiä tuotteita ja sovellutuksia, joita kutsutaan yleisesti teknisiksi artefakteiksi. Tutkimus on ontologista tutkimusta, jonka tarkoituksena on selventää ja parantaa ymmärrystä teknologiaan liittyvistä ilmiöistä. Analyysi esittää mekanismit ja ilmiöt, jotka ovat merkittäviä uuden teknologian tuottamiselle.– Tekniset artefaktit ovat sekä sosiaalisia että fysikaalisia systeemejä, havaitsi Pohjola. Teknisissä artefakteissa fysikaaliset ominaisuudet liittyvät tiettyyn sosiaaliseen statukseen ja käyttöön artefaktien funktioiden kautta. Artefaktien fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien ja sosiaalisen statuksen välillä vallitsee konstit…
MADE – A Groupware Application to Support Real-Time Activities of Distributed and Cooperating Communities
Abstract. Distributed work has increased during the last few years. Employees travelling around in different countries still need access to information and must be reachable by their colleagues. A variety of mobile devices have been utilised for this purpose. However, often, when using multiple devices, the information is available to the appropriate device only. Transferring data between the devices is not always an intuitive or easy thing to do – not while conversing at least. This paper presents a groupware application to support real-time actions of distributed communities. The problem of separate devices is addressed by combining multiple tools, media, into a platform independent aggre…