Juha Hakala

Tensions in the New Millennium : Inclusion Ideology and Education Policy in the Finnish Comprehensive School

This article examines the discrepancy between the ideology of inclusive education and the national education policy in the Finnish comprehensive school education. The study covers twenty years and is based on observations that indicate that the change in comprehensive school education, grounded in inclusive education ideals, has been slow. This has been the case, even though Finnish education policy has, on principle, committed to many international statements that promote inclusion ideology. The data consists primarily of statistics indicating the number of students in special education and national and international research on the subject. It confirms our supposition, but also the fact t…

research product

"Ulkopuolisuuden olo" : tapaustutkimus peruskoulun keskeyttäneiden romaninaisten koulukokemuksista

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan kolmen peruskoulun keskeyttäneen, vapausrangaistusta suorittavan romaninaisen kertomuksia koulukokemuksistaan. Tutkimusta varten toteutettiin jokaisen osallistujan kanssa kertomushaastattelu, johon sisältyi kolme tapaamiskertaa. Haastattelija kirjoitti kertomusluonnokset, joiden sisällöistä keskusteltiin osallistujien kanssa. Kertomuksista etsittiin haastateltavien nimeämiä koulun keskeyttämisen syitä sekä näiden tekijöiden yhteisvaikutuksia intersektionaalisuuden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin yhteenkuuluvuuden kokemuksia sekä tapoja, joilla osallistujat asemoivat itseään koululaisina. Koulun keskeytymisen osasyiksi osallistujat nimesivät muiden muassa syrji…

research product

Novel γ-turn mimetics with a reinforced hydrogen bond

Abstract Pyridylmethylphenols 2 can mimic the geometry of γ-turns. Hydrogen bonding in 2 has been characterized by X-ray crystallography, IR and NMR spectroscopy, and molecular modeling.

research product

Vuorovaikutuksen jännitteitä ja oppimisen säröjä : aikuispedagogiikan haasteiden äärellä

research product

Hybrid compounds generated by the introduction of a nogalamycin-producing plasmid into Streptomyces argillaceus

The combination of genetic material from different antibiotic-producing organisms is a versatile and ever-expanding approach for the production of novel, hybrid compounds possessing bioactivity. The introduction of a plasmid (pSY21b) derived from Streptomyces nogalater and encoding PKS for nogalamycin production into the host strain S. argillaceus A43 led to the production of three new compounds in addition to the normally produced mithramycin. The new compounds are hybrids in the sense that they share features associated with the genes of both the host and the introduced plasmid. The structural elucidation of the novel compounds relied primarily on NMR spectroscopy, which revealed the thre…

research product

An integrated multiobjective design tool for process design

An integrated multiobjective design tool has been developed for chemical process design. This tool combines the rigorous process calculations of the BALAS process simulator and the interactive multiobjective optimization method NIMBUS. With this design tool, the designer can consider several conflicting performance criteria simultaneously. The interactive nature of this tool allows the designer to learn about the behavior of the problem. To illustrate the possibilities of this design tool, two case studies are considered. One of them is related to paper making while the other one is related to power plants.

research product

Inkluusioideologian ja koulutuspolitiikan jännitteitä 2000-luvun suomalaisessa peruskoulussa

Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan inklusiivisen kasvatuksen ideologian ja kansallisen koulutuspolitiikan välistä ristiriitaa suomalaisessa peruskoulukasvatuksessa. Tarkastelun aikaperspektiivi on kaksi vuosikymmentä ja sen takaraja on 1990-luvun loppu. Artikkelin taustalla ovat havainnot, joiden mukaan inklusiivisen kasvatuksen ihanteiden mukainen koulun muutos on Suomessa toteutunut länsimaisittain varsin hitaasti. Prosessi on ollut hidas, vaikka suomalainen koulutuspolitiikka on periaatteellisella tasolla sitoutunut keskeisimpiin kansainvälisiin julkilausumiin edistääkseen osaltaan inkluusioideologian mukaista koulun kehittämistä. peerReviewed

research product

Sopeutumattomuus, integraatio ja koulukulttuuri

research product

Modernizing the Police with Research, Development and Innovation Activities : The Transition of the Finnish Police Education into a Bachelor’s Degree

The social context and the operational environment of the police has changed considerably around the world. Recently, that change has necessitated a restructuring in the Finnish police education. This reform is based on the belief that a higher level of education and a greater focus on research will lead to better professional skills and an increased ability to perform in the workplace. In this article, we examine the views of the staff of the Finnish Police University College on research, development and innovation activities (RDI) in the light of a survey answered by the staff. We pay special attention to the connection between the teacher’s level of different skill areas and the experien…

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