Serra G.
Fetal growth restriction: A growth pattern with fetal, neonatal and long-term consequences
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) or intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are the terms used for a fetus which has not attained its full growth potential for gestational age. FGR is a multifactorial syndrome responsible for increased fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality as well as long term adverse outcomes involving auxological, metabolic, organic and functional domains. Clinicians distinguish early and late onset FGR, in relation to specific fetal anthropometric parameters related to the possible primary etiology and to different patterns of placental and maternal cardiovascular pathologies. Delivery of an early onset FGR or growth impaired newborn with congenital pathology should be…
The child with overgrowth between clinical variability and genetic heterogeneity
Either in the newborn or in the child overgrowth can be generalized or localized if it is limited to one or more body regions. When overgrowth depends on a metabolic imbalance, or it is constitutional, the excessive growth can be the only clinical sign. In most cases genomic or epigenetic alterations, which affect factors involved in cell proliferation and/or regulation of gene expression (observed also in tumours), are related to overgrowth syndromes, in which excess growth may be associated with dysmorphic features, neuromotor/intellectual disabilities and behavioural disorders. These rare conditions are characterized by clinical and molecular overlap. The paper describes the cases of thr…