M Sprovieri
Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea:A review of unresolved issues and directions of future research
Dynamics at the Strait of Sicily and Mediterranean Sapropels
Climatic variability and anthropogenic signatures in the Gulf of Salerno (southern-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea) during the last half-millennium
Astrochronology of Late Middle Mediterranean sections
Ba/Ca evolution in water masses of the Mediterranean late Neogene
A Mediterranean composite sedimentary record was analyzed for Ba/Ca ratios on carbonate shells of Orbulina universa planktonic foraminifer (Ba/Ca) carb providing the opportunity to study and assess the extent of freshwater inputs on the basin and possible impacts on its dynamics during the Tortonian to Recent period. A number of scanning electron microscope analyses and auxiliary trace element measurements (Mn, Sr, and Mg), obtained from the same samples, exclude important diagenetic effects on the studied biogenic carbonates and corroborate the reliability of (Ba/Ca) carb ratios in foraminifera calcite as indicators of seawater source components during the studied interval. A long-term tre…
Distribution and air-sea exchange of mercury (Hg) in polluted marine environments
Mercury (Hg) is emitted in the atmosphere by anthropogenic and natural sources, these last accounting for one third of the total emissions. Since the pre-industrial age, the atmospheric deposition of mercury have increased notably, while ocean emissions have doubled owing to the re-emission of anthropogenic mercury. Exchange between the atmosphere and ocean plays an important role in cycling and transport of mercury. We present the preliminary results from a study on the distribution and evasion flux of mercury at the atmosphere/sea interface in the Augusta basin (SE Sicily, southern Italy), a semi-enclosed marine area affected by a high degree of contamination (heavy metals and PHA) due to…
Climate/ocean dynamics of the Central Mediterranean basin during Marine Isotope Stages 3-4
Correction to: Major adverse cardiovascular events in non-valvular atrial fibrillation with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the ARAPACIS study.
Correction to: Internal and Emergency Medicine (2018) 13:651–660 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11739-018-1835-9 In the original publication, one of the ARAPACIS collaborators Dr. “Leonardo Di Gennaro” name has been erroneously mentioned as “Leonardo De Gennaro”.
Are people willing to pay for eco-labeled wild seafood? An overview
In the last two decades, eco-labeled seafood has been becoming an instrument of sustainability directed towards consumers, addressing a market-based incentive for better management of fisheries. In this context, several studies across the countries have been conducted about how much consumers are willing to pay for fish caught by certifiably sustainable fishing activities. In this direction, the aim of this study was to systematize the available information about the willingness-topay (WTP) more for eco-labeled wild seafood. Therefore, only papers published on ISI journals were searched on “Web of Knowledge” and “SciVerse Scopus” platforms, using the combinations of the following key words:…
Eustatic and oceanographic control on sedimentary evolution of middle-late Quaternary shelf margin-to-upper slope deposits on the Egadi Islands offshore (Italy)
During the past decades a number of sequence stratigraphy studies illustrated how, during Quaternary, interaction between sea level changes and sediment supply controlled the depositional evolution along continental margins, giving a cyclic signature to the sedimentary infilling. However, as both deposition and erosion are processes ultimately controlled by balance between environmental energy and sedimentary influx, also the oceanographic regime takes part in controlling the sedimentary growth along the continental margin. This is exactly what occurs on physiographic settings as islands offshore areas, where bottom currents can be very energetic. In the western Sicily offshore, southwards …
Evoluzione di sistemi deposizionali di piattaforma continentale durante il Pleistocene superiore - Olocene: analisi sedimentologica di due carote prelevate nel Mar Tirreno Meridionale
E’ stato condotto uno studio sedimentologico di due carote prelevate nell’offshore della Sicilia settentrionale allo scopo di analizzare i cambiamenti di regime deposizionale verificatisi nel Pleistocene superiore - Olocene. Sulle due carote, provenienti dal Golfo di Termini Imerese (2,74 m di lunghezza, profondità -126 m) e dalla Baia di Carini (1,35 m di lunghezza, profondità -194 m), sono state anche eseguite analisi geochimiche e micropaleontologiche. Da un punto di vista granulometrico in entrambe le carote si può notare che la parte inferiore è principalmente costituita da una granulometria grossolana (ghiaia, ghiaia sabbiosa) che passa ad una granulometria di tipo argillo-siltosa nel…