G Monti
Omero. Odissea, traduzione e riscrittura di G. Monti, illustrazioni di E. Diliberto, prefazione di S. Nicosia, Nuova Ipsa, Palermo 2010, pp. 7-8.
Fluid challenges in intensive care: the FENICE study: a global inception cohort study
Background: Fluid challenges (FCs) are one of the most commonly used therapies in critically ill patients and represent the cornerstone of hemodynamic management in intensive care units. There are clear benefits and harms from fluid therapy. Limited data on the indication, type, amount and rate of an FC in critically ill patients exist in the literature. The primary aim was to evaluate how physicians conduct FCs in terms of type, volume, and rate of given fluid; the secondary aim was to evaluate variables used to trigger an FC and to compare the proportion of patients receiving further fluid administration based on the response to the FC. Methods: This was an observational study conducted i…