Valenti R
Valutazione del ruolo della cross-trasmissione nella colonizzazione endemica da Gram negativi multiresistenti in una Unità di Terapia Intensiva Neonatale; IX Conferenza Nazionale di Sanità Pubblica, Parma, 13-15 ottobre 2005;
Prevalenza di infezione da virus erpetico di tipo 8 (HHV8) in tossicodipendenti afferenti ai Servizi Pubblici per il Trattamento delle Tossicodipendenze (Ser.T.) dell’area palermitana
Molecular epidemiology of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) non-B subtypes in SIcily
Gender-differences in disease distribution and outcome in hospitalized elderly: data from the REPOSI study.
none 330 Women live longer and outnumber men. On the other hand, older women develop more chronic diseases and conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and depression, leading to a greater number of years of living with disabilities. The aim of this study was to describe whether or not there are gender differences in the demographic profile, disease distribution and outcome in a population of hospitalized elderly people.Retrospective observational study including all patients recruited for the REPOSI study in the year 2010. Analyses are referred to the whole group and gender categorization was applied.A total of 1380 hospitalized elderly subjects, 50.5\% women and 49.5\% men, were conside…