Raimondo F. M.
Problematicità tassonomiche e corologiche nel genere Fraxinus (Oleaceae) in Italia.
Il contributo analizza le criticità tassonomiche e la distribuzione sul territorio italiano delle specie del genere Fraxinus, evidenziando la necessità di una revisione tassonomica e nomenclaturale dei taxa esistenti
Contributo alla conoscenza della flora somala
Nell'ambito di ricerche sulla flora dell'Africa orientale è stata accertata la presenza di alcune specie nuove per il territorio somalo. Nel presente contributo vengono segnalate nel distretto di Mogadiscio tre graminacee, rinvenute in habitat sinantropici. Si tratta in particolare di Perotis hildebrandtii Mez e Cenchrus setigerus Vahl, nuove per l'intero territorio somalo, e di Aristida protensa Henrard, sinora nota in una singola stazione della Somalia nord-orientale.
Conservation status of the endemic vascular flora of Sicily
The results of a comparative study of the quantitative data of the IUCN risk categories attributed to the endemic taxa of the Sicilian vascular flora are reported. 430 Sicilian strictly endemic taxa has been evaluated by comparing the data of the risk categories attributed by published sources. 400 taxa have received at least one assessment of their conservation status, 30 taxa have not yet been considered. 278 received an assessment of their conservation status in accordance with the IUCN criteria, while the remaining 152 have not yet been evaluated according to these criteria.
Unpublished aspects of hygrophilous wood vegetation from Nebrodi mountains (N-E Sicily)
In this paper we report the results of a study done on the vegetation of hygrophilous woods and shrubs occurring along the sub montane and montane small rivers of the Alcantara watershed located in the Nebrodi Mountains (N-E Sicily). We have described two new associations: Alno glutinosae-Salicetum rubentis and Euonymo europaei-Salicetum lambertianae, both belonging to the class Salici purpureae-Populetea nigrae. The forest association would belong to the alliance Populion albae of the order Populetalia albae, while the shrubs of pebbly streams would give origin to communities that would belong to the alliance Salicion albae of the order Salicetalia purpureae. The study gave the occasion to…
New Aloes casual aliens in Sicily
Aloë arborescens, A. brachystachys and A. maculata (Asphodelaceae) are reported for the first time as casual aliens in Sicily. A. brachystachys is new also for the alien flora of Italy.
The current status of the majority of apomictic taxa, and therefore their priorities for conservation, are poorly known, and consequently, they are neglected by conservationists. In Sicily 8 species and 4 subspecies of Hieracium s. str. occurs. Eleven taxa are endemic to the area, one has a wider distribution. These taxa were not evaluated within the recent project “Red List assessment of plants and fungi in Italy” because collectively considered with insufficient and unreliable distribution data. The global conservation status of the endemic Hieracium s. str. taxa occurring in Sicily was assessed here using the IUCN categories and criteria, on the basis of the data collected during field s…
New floristic data of alien vascular plants from Sicily
New records of Commelina communis, Euphorbia hypericifolia, Melia azedarach, Nicotiana tabacum, and Xanthoceras sorbifolium are reported for the Sicilian flora.