Negri Carla

Le origini del regionalismo differenziato di cui al 3 comma dell'art. 116 della Costituzione, rileggendo le carte di Gaspare Ambrosini

The contribution traces the origins of the differentiated regionalism referred to in art. 116.3 of the Constitution in the original project by the Honorable Gaspare Ambrosini presented to the Constituent Assembly

research product

Le dichiarazioni pubbliche del Presidente Mattarella nella formazione del Governo e l’evoluzione dell’istituzione presidenziale

The paper analyzes the role of the Head of State's influential judiciary in the formation of the Government, both following new political elections and in the management of government crises. As is well known, the Head of State, in order to carry out his activity of moderation, persuasion and stimulus towards the political bodies, has combined the formal presidential powers with informal tools and procedures of moral suasion. The informality of the aforementioned activities and procedures has allowed a greater margin of intervention and influence of the President of the Republic in the exercise of his functions of political intermediation, during the phases of government crisis management a…

research product

Le relazioni fra lo Stato e le Regioni nella gestione della pandemia da Covid-19 tra uniformità e differenziazione

The paper analyze the relations between the State and the regions in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic, both in terms of sources and procedures, as governed by the regulatory and administrative measures adopted by the Government, moving in the direction of uniformity and regional differentiation.

research product