The branching ratio of intercombination $A^1\Sigma^+\sim b^3\Pi\to a^3\Sigma^+/X^1\Sigma^+$ transitions in the RbCs molecule: measurements and calculations
We observed the $A^1\Sigma^+\sim b^3\Pi\to a^3\Sigma^+/X^1\Sigma^+$ laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra of the RbCs molecule excited from the ground $X^1\Sigma^+$ state by the Ti:Sapphire laser. The LIF radiation from the common perturbed levels of the singlet-triplet $A\sim b$ complex was recorded by the Fourier-transform (FT) spectrometer with the instrumental resolution of 0.03~cm$^{-1}$. The relative intensity distribution in the rotationally resolved $A\sim b\to a^3\Sigma^+(v_a)/X^1\Sigma^+(v_X)$ progressions was measured, and their branching ratio was found to be about of 1$\div$5$ \times$10$^{-4}$ in the bound region of the $a^3\Sigma^+$ and $X^1\Sigma^+$ states. The experiment …