P. Taormina
Il carcinoma della tiroide dalla diagnosi alla terapia
From 1999 to 2007 we performed 104 surgical operations for thyroid malignancies. Over the same period, 312 patients underwent surgery for benign lesions of the thyroid gland. The patients were subdivided on the basis of age bracket and gender and the distribution of cancer and benign nodules was evaluated. Feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography, scintigraphy and fine needle aspiration cytology were also evaluated. The incidence of thyroid cancer was 25% in all patients. Patients aged 71 had the highest rate of malignancies: 52% of patients under 30 years of age and 46% over 70 years. Males showed a higher incidence than females. The scintigraphic findings were an area of low…
The accuracy of sentinel lymph-node biopsy in breast cancer after previous excisional biopsy
Scopo: La biopsia del linfonodo sentinella (BLS) nel carcinoma della mammella con linfonodi ascellari clinicamente negativi è considerato la migliore scelta per stadiare il cavo ascellare. Inizialmente una precedente biopsia escissionale del carcinoma era considerata una controindicazione. Esaminiamo il tasso di successo della BLS e la incidenza della recidiva a livello ascellare in pazienti con carcinoma della mammella precedentemente sottoposti a biopsia escissionale del tumore. Pazienti e metodi: 858 pazienti con carcinoma della mammella sono stati sottoposti a BLS e i pazienti con linfonodi sentinella metastatici a svuotamento del cavo ascellare; 82 pazienti erano stati sottoposti prece…
Surgical palliation for malignant obstructive jaundice:our experience
BACKGROUND): The prognosis of patlcnts with priimsrv bilian and pancreatic mahgnances is poor. At the time of diagnosis, approxiiuately $0°’ of paticnts are found to hae an nnresectable tumour, because of local sprcad or metastatic disease. ‘lherefore, most patients wilI undergo j,alhative treatment, which is amcd at the ilnprovetnent ofthe quality oflife and the prevention of the svmptoms. This study report personal experience and deserihes the bcst evidence in recent literature. PA’IIENThAND METIIO1)S: 20 paticnts with malignant obstructie jaundice for unresectable hihar or pancreatic neoplasm underwent palliative surgieal treatment. Ofthesc patients, 11 was nien and 9 women, with a mean …