Johanna Peltoniemi

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered with Trust: Non-Resident Citizens’ Experiences of Newly Adopted Postal Voting

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that the traditional “booth, ballot, and pen” model of voting, based on a specific location and physical presence, may not be feasible during a health crisis. This situation has highlighted the need to assess whether existing national electoral legislation includes enough instruments to ensure citizens’ safety during voting procedures, even under the conditions of a global pandemic. Such instruments, often grouped under the umbrella of voter facilitation or convenience voting, range from voting in advance and various forms of absentee voting (postal, online, and proxy voting) to assisted voting and voting at home and in hospitals and other healthcare …

research product

Laaja kyselyaineisto ulkosuomalaisten poliittisesta osallistumisesta

Vaikka ulkosuomalaisten määrä on ollut tasaisessa kasvussa viimeisten parinkymmenen vuoden ajan, heidän poliittinen painoarvonsa on säilynyt vähäisenä. Ulkomailla asuu yli 250 000 äänioikeutettua, mutta vain noin kymmenen prosenttia heistä äänestää Suomen vaaleissa. Kevään 2019 eduskuntavaaleissa oli ensimmäistä kertaa mahdollista äänestää kirjeitse ulkomailta. Muiden maiden kokemusten perusteella voidaan odottaa, että kirjeäänestys tulee pitkällä aikavälillä vaikuttamaan myönteisesti ulkomailla asuvien äänioikeutettujen äänestysaktiivisuuteen. Helsingin yliopistossa käynnissä olevassa tutkimushankkeessa toteutettiin kevään vaalien jälkeen laaja kyselytutkimus, johon vastasi 2 100 ulkomaill…

research product

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered with Trust: Non-Resident Citizens’ Experiences of Newly Adopted Postal Voting

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that the traditional “booth, ballot, and pen” model of voting, based on a specific location and physical presence, may not be feasible during a health crisis. This situation has highlighted the need to assess whether existing national electoral legislation includes enough instruments to ensure citizens’ safety during voting procedures, even under the conditions of a global pandemic. Such instruments, often grouped under the umbrella of voter facilitation or convenience voting, range from voting in advance and various forms of absentee voting (postal, online, and proxy voting) to assisted voting and voting at home and in hospitals and other healthcare …

research product