Gian Luigi Pillola
Upper Ovetian trilobites from Spain and their implications for the palaeobiogeography and correlation of the Cambrian Stage 3 in Gondwana
Abstract The upper part of the La Herreria Formation in Los Barrios de Luna (Leon Province, N Spain) has been revised from a palaeontological and biostratigraphical point of view. Two stratigraphic sections have been studied including their trilobite and ichnofossils contents. The ichnofossil assemblages have a high diversity of species characterising the Cruziana ichnofacies, suggesting a shallow sublittoral environment for the upper part of the La Herreria Formation. The trilobites species recognised are Lunagraulos antiquus , Dolerolenus formosus , Dolerolenus longioculatus , Lunolenus lunae , Metadoxides richterorum , Metadoxides armatus and Sardaspis ? sp. from the upper Ovetian (lower…
ParadoxidesbrachyrhachisLinnarsson, 1883 versusParadoxidesmediterraneusPompeckj, 1901: a problematic determination
A revision of paradoxidid trilobites reveals that previous identifications of specimens from Sardinia and Spain as the Nordic trilobite species Paradoxides brachyrhachis Linnarsson, 1883, are mistaken. The southern species, occurring also in France, is here referred to Eccaparadoxides mediterraneus (Pompeckj, 1901). Main differences are seen in the preocular field, pleural furrow and pygidium. The species P. brachyrhachis is referred with question to the genus Mawddachites Fletcher 2007.