Liria Terrádez-mas
Pápulas de coloración de la piel y malformación del tracto urinario. Diagnóstico y comentario
Utilización de Kahoot! en las clases teóricas de Anatomía Patológica: mejorando la motivación e interacción en la docencia virtual
[EN] Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, education has had to adapt to online teaching, trying to preserve the essential student-teacher interaction. In this project we used the interactive tool Kahoot! in the theory lectures of Special Anatomical Pathology of the Degree in Medicine, which were fully taught online. The games consisted of questions about the lesson´s contents, to strengthen learning and self-evaluation. After playing Kahoot!, results were discussed to highlight important concepts and explain doubts. The perception of the students was evaluated through an online survey. The results indicate that using Kahoot! in the theory classes has been very satisfactory and has en…